Chapter 26: -IN MY FEELINGS-

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"No it's fine my dad's coming "

"I know but you've been here for over an hour , I think he must have forgotten they had a  long meeting today".

For one second I wanted to know how he knows so much about my dad's busy schedule that I don't know about then it hit my mind  that my dad works for Holden's dad so he obviously knows everything that goes on there.

"Well I don't need your help ,I think I'll just order an uber or take the bus,And have you been stalking me how did you know I was here for an hour"

"I wasn't stalking you I have better things to do than that"

I huff and look at the sky

"Why are you  sophisticated and so hard to handle, why can't you just allow me to take you home." Look at who his calling sophisticated  when his the true definition of it.

"Because I don't need your help, why would a greedy gold digger like me want help  from you" 

"I didn't mean what I said okay Am sorry " he utters and my eyes almost bulge out of their sockets ,Did he just say apologise  , I don't think this is the Holden I know,  It just started pouring my bags are getting wet not forgetting  my hair.

"You know what, i don't even have to ask for your permission" Holden exists his car and  Carries my bags and put them in his car  after his done I see him heading towards me .

He reaches my spot and carries me from the ground and puts me on his broad shoulders,How dare he Man handle like that ,I try to throw some kicks but he won't give in ,"I said let me go" I muse and punch his  broad  shoulders.

He  gently  shoves me Inside  the front seat  of  His car and lock's the door.

"How dare you man handle like that , you know  i can get you sued for doing that"

"As if, I highly doubt that you don't have the guts to do so "

"Imbecile" I mutter under my breath

He  peers at me ,chuckles and  later focuses his gaze on the road .
if looks could kill   it would obviously be him ,His perfect jaw line ,that killer smile  not forgetting Those ocean eye's I fell  in love with the first time I came across his picture  on instagram , his killer smile is something  i would  love to see everyday, Wait no, am not supposed to have such thoughts about him I've got a boyfriend who I like alot.

"There's a bit of traffic due to the rain's but will be there soon "he utters

I lay back and close my eyes for a split second.

"Amelia wake up we are here "

"Here Where?".

"Don't be that clumsy, we've arrived at your place"

Oh shoot really , it felt like we took forever ,Holden gets out of the car , opens the door for me and helps me carry my bags and we proceed inside.

"Is anyone home " I yell but there's no response though I can hear indistinct  chatters coming from upstairs.

"You can leave them  on the floor let me take these to my room " I utter.

"Why don't you  want me to see your room" Holden mutters

"Why would you want to see how my room looks like ?"

"I just want to know what type of decor it has I want to know your taste."

I just shrug and make my way to my room  with Holden following suite ,As I get closer to my room the voices of people conveying  keep increasing ,I look at Holden and he also looks at me bewilderedly.

I hear the noise coming from Dads study and I proceed there.

"Vanessa I told you to  leave us alone Amelia will be back here soon and I don't want her to see you here" I hear my dad talk

"Well am Not leaving , she's my daughter too and I want to be here when she arrives, there's nothing you can do about it" the feminine voice responds

"Be here for her? where were you all those years she had  to leave without a mum she needed motherly love but you weren't there to show it to her "my dad utters with anger heard through his voice, I've never heard him this angry before  and is that my mum his talking to..

"Answer me where were you, you were out there with another man and you  forgot  about your two daughters who needed you the most, is that how canning  you were for money"he argues

"We've already talked about this  Henry ,let bygones be bygones will you" she retorts

I didn't notice that I had  shade some tears  , Is this really why my mum left ,but why would she chose money over us ,I feel numb and fall to my knees at this moment  my eyes get extra teary I don't care if  Holden is standing two feet away from me I know he heard everything.

"Amelia are you alright" Holden says as he sees me fall to my knees

As if that was enough to stop them from arguing they were now alarmed that I was eavesdropping.

"Honey you're back I thought you'd be back tomorrow" my dad comes through

"You would have  known if you had picked up your phone when I was calling" .

"Sweetie are you okay "my mum says as she reaches down to me

"Mum is it really you ,I thought you forgot about us" I state

"No darling I would never do that" she minutes

"But is what dad said all true ?"

She just stays Silent but wipe's my tears away.
"So it is true,  How could you , All this time I thought it was all dad's fault but no it wasn't, you know what forget it you don't deserve my words and you don't have the right to call me your daughter"  i say and walk out on.

"Amelia wait"  I hear both of them utter

"It's fine I'll go talk to her, maybe you can give her some  space  to process " i hear Holden say

I proceed outside and seat on the front porch

"Are you alright " Holden says and seats besides me

"Am fine" I mutter while crying.

"I think you should hear out what your mum has to say first before you conclude out of emotion"

"You don't have the right to talk about my family's concerns ,you have no idea what it feels like." I utter

"Trust me I do know how it feels like , But hey look at the bright side your mum is here and it looks like she wants to make amends "

I just shrug and pull  my knees to my chest and hold myself tightly .
"I've been living a lie all this while, I've spent the last six years of my life  wondering and dreaming of what  it'd feel like to see her again , I didn't expect  it to be this dreadful " I mutter  , my heart feels shattered .
Is it the fact that I couldn't be with the one person I was so in love with,or was it the fact that my mum abandoned my sister and I.

Holden embrace's me in a hug and whispers it's going to be okay in me ears,We stay silent for a while and Holden breaks the silence.

"Do you want me to stay a little longer?" Holden says still holding me firmly In his hands

I nod my head in confirmation I just needed this right now ,All this should be feeling wrong but it feels right for some unknown reason.
Me in holdens embrace  feels like a dream come true,The person whose supposed to be here for me is nowhere to be seen.

"I thought you hated me so much what  changed" I ask through sniffs as i stretch my head out of his tight grip so that I can look at him .
Holden looks down at me and our eyes connect instantly it was as if he was trying to tell me something,His eye's are full of raging emotion.

" why would I  honestly resent  you Amelia I actually ......"

"What's happening  here ?" a voice sounds making Holden and I  startle.

FOREVER ISN'T PROMISED Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ