The quiet one

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I always hated to run. Then again I hated a lot of things. Being on your own since you were four seems to do that to a person. I have always wondered why I get stared at, no matter where I am or what I am doing. I always hear the same thing.

"Who is that?"
"Why is she here?"
"I hope she leaves soon or just dies."
"I headed she killed 12 people, what a monster. Why would our leader let her in? What a freak."

Those words mean nothing to me now. I ignore the stares of hate and warrieness. I am no longer fazed when mothers hide their children or when the men would chase me out of the village with their Kuni knives and what other sharp objects that they could find. I have to many scars that a girl my age should not have, I was dangerous to.

Being on the road all your life teaches you a few things. How to hunt, to track, how to make shelter when you couldn't find an inn or in my case wouldn't let you stay in one. but most importantly, how to not hesitate when you are going to kill someone.

I don't remember much of my biological parents, I do remember my adoptive parents though, I was unwanted so when they saw an oppturnity they just simply left, I was 5 but I don't really count that. I never felt the urge to go and look for my real parents. The images were to blurry so I couldn't remember their faces but I remember their voices and names. I remember my mother, who used to tuck my in at night and sing me a sad lullaby to help me sleep. I remember my father, who always told me to do what I felt was right and to follow the light. I never understood why they left, they seemed to really love me. Looking back on it now it was foolish of me, it reminds me of how naive I was as a child and that the world is much colder and a dark place.

But that all changed when I was dragged through the gates of Konoha.

---------- Well I hope you liked the first chapter!! Let me know!! Sorry if it sucked!!

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