Unexpected leave

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And now Naruto, who felt the same pain that I did, just left and called me a monster.

I could feel the hate and pain block out Ragnda's soothing words, as it began to consume me. I tried to fight it off as it blackened my heart until I felt no more

End re-cap:

I must of laid there for a while as I felt the cold, I could feel Ragnda but I couldn't hear her which was fine with me. I found that I didn't care about what happened to me or others anymore, I only cared about my self.

No one stays loyal for long, eventually everyone turns against eachother for ones gain, it was use or be used, it was in the Nature of human and all things.

I found that my mind was clear, I didn't have the stressing day to day thoughts running through my mind and I felt better than ever.

I got up from the floor, went to my closet and changed into my clothes from the Chunin exams only I chose s black scarf, instead of letting my red hair down I put it in a messy bun with two special senbon needles to hold it together. I looked at the scroll the third gave me, I thought of opening it but u found that I didn't care.

So this is what Sasuke felt like...

I wanted to laugh at my own joke but I found that I couldn't. I then got a wiff of smell coming from myself so I quickly went for a shower, having to strip form my recently dressed clothes before plannin to hunt down Izo, it was time that I left.

I wiped the water from the mirror only to see dark and empty dead blue eyes. I looked at my long red hair before angrily grabbing a Kuni knife and bundling my hair up into a ponytail before cuttin it straight through.

It was an uneven cut, but I didn't care, I walked out of the bathroom and my head and shoulders felt a little lighter.

My hair was now around the same length of Sakura's except a little longer. I made a short ponytail and placed the needles back in my head, leaving the remains of my hair on the bathroom floor.

I packed a bag an grabbed scrolls and placin scrolls into other scrolls. When I was finished I pulled up the necklace that Ichigo gave me when we first met, I never showed it to anyone, but I placed it on my dresser.

Since I already had the blessing to leave from the third Hokage I popped into the Fifths office, startling her as she signed some paper work.

"Who might you be?"
"I am Uzumaki Kiada,bi believe that you have a message from the late Hokage stating that I have permission to leave at will to train with Kane Izo, for an Indefinite time. I am here to tell you that we will be leaving shortly as soon as I find him."

She looked at me in shock before quickly recovering, my voice held no emotion at all which I think startled her more than my sudden appearance.

"Don't you want to wait until your friends get back? Or your brother? They are on a retrieval mission for Sasuke." I flinched when she mentioned my brother, she notice this and rose an eyebrow as she connected her hands on her desk, just like the third.

"NO, I wish for no one to know that I am gone. Espically Uzumaki-San." my voice was steely cold as I said our last name, he didn't want to be related to me, fine! But don't expect me to treat him as family then.

She looked at me with curiosity an sadness.

"I have no choice but to except, as the Third has already granted you leave of absence and has ordered me to let you leave at anytime. Please send in a progress report once a month in turn of you leaving and I won't mention this to anyone until asked. Understood?" Her tone of voice made it clear that there was no room for negotiation.

I nodded my head as she handed me the two passes signed by the old man. I lightly traced his handwriting before snappin out of it and disappearing to find Izo.

I knew that he liked to eat a lot so I first checked the ramen stand to not find him there so it was the BBQ place next. I saw him through the window stuffing his face with food and I had to suppress my urge to eye roll.

I sighed an opened the door sitting at his booth with a serious look on my face, he looked up at me and noticed the changes on my face and hair, his eyes narrowed as his scared face turned serious.

"What's going on?"
"We are leaving to train by the end of the day, meet me at the Gates at 4:30, it is 2:00 now so be prepared. I already spoke to the Hokage and don't tell anyone that I am leaving with you. I will see you then." I didn't listen to him speak, not that he could with a mouth full of food and he was too stunned to speak.

I walked to the manor and waited until 4:30 came around before going to the gates to see Izo standing there looking around bored.

"Let's go, this is going to be a long journey."
"Alright brat, but you need to tell me why you decided to leave with me so suddenly!"
"All in due time, old geezer."
"I am not old!!!" I didn't speak to him as we walked out the gates and he sighed, running a hand down his face and across his stubble that was starting to cover his face.

This is going to be a long trip, but it better be worth it.

I awaited to hear Ragnda's response, only to feel her but not hear her.

Yup, a long trip indeed.

Third POV

just as Kiada and Izo left the Village Naruto was sitting in his hospital room waiting for his firey red haired sister to run into the room and yell at him but to his surprise it was Tsunade that walked through his door. Naruto shrugged it off, Kiada has been thinking about a lot of things and has been more quiet as of late and more busy with missions since she came a Jounin.

He just hoped that she didn't take what he said to heart and he wanted to apologize, what he said and did make some sort of sense after their fight but he called her a monster and not even family an he wouldn't forgive himself for doing that to her, she had enough pain to live with already.

Tsunade checked his vitals to find them fine, and was about to leave the room before he spoke.

"Where is my sister?" Tsunade froze but remembered her promise and sighed.

"She is out on a mission right now, she should be back by the end of the week." Naruto nodded, believing her but he felt like something was wrong with what she said but shrugged it off thinking it was the pain meds making him loopy.

He would wait for her to come back from her mission to apologize, only he didn't know that it would be a long time before she would come back.


Finally done!! Thank you for reading and please keep an eye out for the Sequel!! Please comment vote or message me with any ideas that you have or any input!! It would help me greatly!! Thank you you are all awesome and beautiful!!!

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