Chunin exams and home

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We were ready to leave the mist village, we stayed until everyone healed and the bridge was finished. As of right now Naruto and Inari were telling eachother that it was ok to cry.

Sighing I gave Inari a hug, then stepped back to beside Kakashi. Over the few weeks that we spent here, helping rebuild and healing, him and I have gotten closer. Sure I still didn't speak a whole lot and they constantly had to remind me to use words, but he felt like an older brother. Sakura avoided me from fear, but Sasuke looked at me with a strange glint in his eyes that I did not like. I did not get a good feelin around the Uchina boy.

We started the walk home, it was like any normal day. Sasuke and Naruto were fighting and arguing while Sakura was trying to get Sasukes attention. I sighed in annoyance when Sasuke said something really mean to Naruto, I grew an irk mark as I placed my hand on his shoulder causing him to look at me.

"You know, Sasuke, somewhere out there is a tree that is tirelessly producing oxygen for you so you can breath, I think that you owe it an apology." With that he was left in a stunned silence as I walked beside Naruto and we talked about what kind of Ramen we would get when we got back.

--back at the Village---

We finally arrived and did some more D-ranked missions. Apparently Kakshi hoped that we would get along better, but nope. there was still little to no teamwork in our little group. We had a free day today as Naruto and Sakura and I were walking around the village.

Sasuke told sakura off, telling her that she was beneath Naruto, and Kakshi, sensing the tension, left leaving me and a cloud of smoke behind.

Traitor, now I'm left with these five. I thought as I watched a square box creep up behind Naruto. I sweat dropped, it was so obvious. Leaning against the fence I watched as Naruto ran back and forth going faster and faster until he stopped and faces them causing them to stop.

I almost hit my head at their idiocies. Naruto pointed at the box as I prayed to Kami that Naruto would mature before I die. Multi colored smoke soon took over my vision as I smelled gunpowder. I coughed as I accidentally breathed it in. Knowing that being around them was hazardous for my health I walked away from their conversation about playing ninja.

I want Ramen... I thought as I transported outside of Ichamaru and quickly got a bowl to go. I was happily walking towards a training field only to see Konohamaru run into a guy with make up on his face and Kitty ears. I hid in a corner of a shadow.

Naruto and sakura ran up. With two other kids, everyone but Sakura and bumps on their heads. I watched in interest as I put more noodles in my mouth, a blissful smile on my face. I decided to trust the leaf, ever since I had a chat with the third Hokage when we got back.

"Now, Kiada, I want you to understand the difficult situation we are in together, as I need to protect the citizens and by birth right, you are a citizen. That means that whoever is after you, has to deal with the will of fire of the leaf. I want you to know that you can trust us, that you can let go of this cold face, and that you are home where no one can hurt you anymore."
He wants to trust me?
"With all due respect, Hokage-sama, I may not be welcome here among the villagers once they find out who I am. What I am. What is this difficult predicimate that we are in? And let Kakashi in the room, he needs to come out of the closet." The Hokage chuckled and nodded, he smiled gently at me as Kakashi came out.

"You do not need to worry about the villagers, as long as you can control yourself you should be fine. The predicament is that there is an Uzumaki Manor that needs someone to run it."
"I don't see the issue, Naruto is here, he can run it."
Kakashi stood beside me as he chuckled and ruffle my hair affectionally, "Well, Kiada, you are the oldest, so by right it is yours. Plus do you really think that Naruto would know how to run the place? This is Naruto. He would set the place on fire!"

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