First day and teams

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Warning, some Sasuke bashing, sorry Sasuke fans!!!

I awoke to a gentle shake to my shoulder, I turned over and pulled the warm blankets over my head as I shook my head. Kakashi chuckled as he reminded me that I had to leave for the academy.

I silently groaned as I sat up and rubbed my eyes and once again took a look around my room.

It was simple, light brown walls and a medium sized window that overlooked the Hokage mountain, underneath the window sat a dresser that now held the few possessions that I owned. to my left was the door and a closet. The the right corner sat my bed that I was trying to get out of.

Finally leavin the comforting warmth of the bed, I put my feet on the cold floor that lightly creaked under my weight. walking over to the closet I pulled on my kimono like top, the sleeves fitted down to my elbow then flared out giving me enough room to hide a dagger that when I threw my arm out or flicked my wrist it would come out, I reached for my normal pair of pants, the were like the ones that Kakashi wore only it looked redish brown form all the dirt and blood, only to find a new and clean pair.

I almost let a smile slip but quickly covered it. No emotions, emotions make you weak, don't become close to anyone. I reminded myself, I have no idea where the last person I trusted went, I got to close and he almost died. it pains me to remember having to knock him out and leave him in a cave with some supplies. Ichigo.... My heart hurts.

Shaking my head i pulled them on an walked down the hallway and stairs to see Kakashi place a bowl of cereal on the table, noddin my head in thanks I sat in the chair and began to eat.

"I'll walk you to the academy, try to make some friends." I gave him a look that said no promises.
together we walked out the door and down the street to the academy.

While on the way I made sure to remember my surroundings, tensing whenever we passed a villager. I guess Kakashi noticed since he put an arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him ad gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"Here we are, your teacher is Iruka-Sensei ok? This will explain everything.-he handed me a scroll- I will not be home tonight, see ya." with that he proofed away.

I haven't been around kids my age in almost a year, as I think of it, this is the first village I have stopped in for a year. I took a breath and opened to door to the academy, the lady at the front desk smiled at me. noddin my head at her I went down a random hallway lookin like I knew where I was going an stopped at a random room an knocked at the door.

Another ninja opened the door, e had a scar running across his face and his hair looked like a pineapple and his headband went across his forehead.

Hi! You must be the new student, come on in." I nodded and handed him the scroll, he took it, opened it while I stood next to him and surveyed the room.

The once rowdy room suddenly went quiet as I looked around and I felt all eyes land on me.

----------Kakashi P.O.V.
After dropping Yuu-chan off at the academy I transported to the Hokage's office to watch her through his crystal ball. Standing next to him I watched as she walked down the hallway, I now realized that I forgot to tell her what room she was in and she didn't ask the lady in the front desk.

"It's strange how she didn't signal tat she was new." I said. The third nodded in agreement. As she walked down the hallway her long hair started to come loose from her bun. It looked so much like her mothers, and her eye like her fathers, the Hokage and I were wondering what her reaction would be when she saw her younger brother.

She stopped walking down the hallway and knocked on the door, Iruka answered and let he in. Once inside she gave him the scroll and took a look around the room.

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