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What she looks like but not what she is wearing!! :) and her eyes are a electric blue!

"My name is Kiada Uzumaki, I was born in the Leaf Village two years before you were, Naruto. I was a smart child, started to learn Jutsus at two years old. Mother and Father were proud when they learnt that they were having you, Naruto, they were so happy. I wanted to be a good big sister, someone you could look up to. So I threw myself into my studies to become stronger and trained everyday." I took a deep breath and looked at Naruto adoringly, "Do you remember our parents?" He shook his head no, "You look a lot like our father, but act like our mother. They would be proud of you." He had tears in his eyes as he muttered"Nee-chan"

"How much do you remember, Naruto? You were two when they died." "I don't remember anything at all."

I gave a small sad smile, "I see, well, I think that you should find that out on your own, but, after they died, I found you. I made a barrier and kept you inside it for three days while I looked after you. The ANBU team was dispatched to find you, and when they did they found us in the Barrier.

"After that, people grew wary of me, they didn't want me around and chased me out of the Village, forcing me to leave you in the care of the Third Hokage. I didn't want to leave you, but I knew in order to protect you I had to become stronger. So I stayed out of the Village and went to Uzumokagure, it is where our clan originated from, or Eddy village for short," I took a deep breath and gave a cough, I haven't spoken this much in years. Kakashi seemed to understand as he handed me a glass of water.

I nodded great fully at him. "When I was around 5, a family took pity on me and took me in, but after a few strange ocurances they left me the first chance they got. I got used traveling alone, I killed when needed and when I couldn't pay for the food and clothes, I stole. People learned my face and they began to fear me.

"Traveling has its downsides, you are alone and no one can help you when you get into trouble. I was constantly attacked and chased out of places that I got scars." I lifted up my arms in an as you can see, fashion. "I met a certain someone along the road when I was 5, after getting permission she trained me, she helped me survive. She is my adoptive mother in a way. We both continued to Eddy Village. I wanted to go there incase there were old texts on family Jutsus or anything useful there. That's where I met I-I-Ichigo." I had to take a pause and a shaky breath to try and not cry again. Naruto moved from infront of me to beside me, placing his head on my shoulder in silent support.

"When I was ten Ichigo and I got attacked by a group of S-Ranked criminals and Ichigo almost died. They were looking for me, wanted me to join, but when I refused they tried to kill me. Ichigo stopped him and almost died in the process. That is when I knew that I had to leave him, so when he fell asleep next I left him with supplies and but a barrier around the cave to protect him. On the bridge was the first time I saw him in four years. And now he is dead because of me." I sighed and closed my eyes. missing the look that was shared between them.

"I traveled until I was dragged through the gates of your village."

"Our village, Nee-chan. You were born there and you are my sister. It is our home." "Naruto...... so any questions?"

"Why didn't you ever come home Nee-chan?"
"I didn't feel like it was my home anymore, I wasn't sure if I belonged there anymore or if I would be accepted back into that society."

"What was that on the bridge. with the smoky chakra and the dragon." I looked into Kakashi's eyes and sighed, I knew that this question was coming.

You all know about the nine demons?" They nodded their head, "The sage of 6 paths created them, but he created another in secret, one that can control the others, even if it is against their will. The demon queen, Rangda. I met her when I was five years old, and I agreed to be her host. We bonded instantly and she Is the reason I am alive. She trained me, taught me, and helped me in tough situations by giving me her chakra to defend my self. She is a part of me."

Kakashi took a deep breath, writing everything he had learned down on a scroll to send to the third Hokage when I was finished. "What about your skills? What can you do?"

"I excel in almost everything, I need work on my taijutsu. As for anything special.." I trailed off as I debated telling them.
"You can trust us, Nee-chan."
"Naruto, did you know our clan has a Kekkei Genki?- he shook his head no- there is a different one for the females and the males. There were two branches of our clan, the main branch and the side branch. The main branch consisted of the royal family, the pure bloods, there was resentment between the two branches, no matter what the main branch did the side branch would not be appeased. So civil war broke out and our mother had to escape. That is when she went to Konoha.

"I have the family's Kekkei Genki, the Kanzen Tentai, but, through our fathers side there is also another Kekki Genki that is only passed down through the females, and I have that as well, the Itami no Cushin or the center of pain."

I yawned as I looked at their faces, Kakashi finished writing and sent the letter, "Yosh, lets get some sleep, we return home tomorrow. Naruto, you can stay and catch up if you wish." He merely nodded as the others left the room.

Naruto and I stayed up most of the night talking about silly things and just bonding in general, every once in a while we would touch a tender subject and our laughs would stop, until one of us cracked a joke and we laughed again.

Slowly, little by little, I could feel the darkness receding.

-------- tell me how it is!! Sorry if it sucks :( comment and let me know!!!----- THANKS!! :)

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