Survival test and hello again Tazuna

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I hated waking up early, and Kakshi knows it. I figured since he was going to be late anyway that he would let me sleep in but nooo. Pfft there goes my advantage of maybe being his favorite, I thought as I crawled out of bed at 3:30 am. Getting dressed in a grey tank top and my regular pants, over the tank top I had a black jacks that stopped at the end of my ribcage. tying my hair up I walked outside and began to run my laps around the village.

After a two hour run and too many laps to count I stopped at the KIA stone with some freshly picked wild flowers and white lillies, my mothers favorite flower. I sat there and traced my parents name for a few minutes before getting back home. huh, when did I start to call Kakashi's place home? I crawled back in through my bedroom window and took a quick shower, when I got out I took a quick peak at the time 6:04. I got dressed into my usual attire and made a sandwich and lunch for myself and Naruto as well as Kakashi since I knew he couldn't cook.

As I was making my way down to the training ground I ate my sandwich and looked at the sunrise with its mix of reds and golds and oranges as I reflected on the very few memories of my parents, when I last saw them was when I was four years old, so 10 years ago when they died infront of my eyes. shaking my head I sat in the shade of a tree and waited for the rest of my team and unintentionally fell asleep.

"YOUR LATE!!!!!"

"Ah, sorry, I ran across a black cat and had to take the long way around." opening my eyes I could see pinkette and Naruto pointing at Kakashi and shouting at him while Sasugay acted all high and mighty. Kakashi just rubbed the back of his head and had a smile on under his mask.

"Where is Yuu-chan?" Kakashi seemed to notice that I wasn't the only one there, since it was time to make my presence know I stood up and yawned. Catching everyone's attention I rubbed my eyes and stepped out of the shade with an 'what I miss?' Look.

He chuckled and rubbed his head again. Smiling at me he started to talk which I zone out by watching the sky only catching pieces of it.
"Survival... tied to stump...... no lunch..... come at me like you are going to kill me...... when I say go...... Naruto I haven't said go yet..... Yuu-chan.....Yuu-chan...... YUU!!"
Snapping out of my thoughts and plans I looked around me an noticed that it was just me and Kakashi in the field, looking at Kakashi I shrugged my shoulders at his sweat drop an walked away to where Naruto was trying to hide. Poling his shoulder to get his attention, i gestures that he and I should work together to get the bells. Kakashi re-explained it to me.

"Sorry, YUU-chan, if I am going to be Hokage, I need to do this on my own, watch me beat Kakashi-sensei, Believe It!!!" I remembered him saying that as Kakashi sent him flying off from his Thousand years of Pain, or as I like to call it, the fingers up the ass technique, giggling a little I went to find Sasuke, only to find him buried in the ground.

Silently laughing I pounded the ground as he just stared at me, "Hn, Loser. Get me out of here!" I sat cross legged and rose an eyebrow 'is that a nice way to ask someone for help?' He grumbled and added a quiet "please" and I nodded and pulled him up by his hair, which was surprisingly soft.

After suddenly letting go and watching him land funny I gestured for him an I to work together which he adamantly denied saying he didn't need anybody as I pointed to the hole he used to preoccupy as a 'really? Then what was that?' But he was already gone. Rolling my eyes I went to find Sakura, only to see her passed out on the ground from a genjutsu.

Trying to wake her up by slapping he a few times, thinking that I was goin to claim that I didn't know how if anyone asked. As soon as a nice red mark appeared on her face I put some chakra in her and walked away to leave her in pain. Soon my hopes were answered as I heard her yelp In pain, silently chuckling i turned to face Kakashi in the clearing that we started at.

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