Attack on Konoha

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Her eyes, got it from Google, I do not own this awesome picture :(

"DONT YOU DARE TALK ABOUT KAKASHI-SENSEI THAT WAY!!!" She yelled at the top of her lungs as she pointed to him in anger, it surprised me that he would use those words to bait her. We were no means enemies or were there hate between us. We were in fact good friends. He must of noticed that she had a soft spot for her team and family and friends. Izo clutched his jaw while slowly standing up. I gave a silent chuckle, I think she just broke his jaw.
End Re-cap:

Kiada POV------
I panted as I stood there and Izo held his jaw ad got to his feet with wide eyes.
"Don't you dare talk about my sensei like that!" I could feel my teeth grow into fangs am I tried to stop it as my kanines grew a little bit. I could feel my eyes change color as my vision sharpened and I had a 360 degree view, I could see his nervous system through out his body as well as his chakra points, I could smell his emotions, Ragnda was trying to surface with her rage.

Let me out and I will show him not to mess with us!! I'll kill him!!

Calm down mother, take deep breaths, we don't want to kill him, just teach him a lesson. Call down, control yourself. We will do this together as one.

I could feel her calm and stopped fighting against me but the changes stayed there.

As one, my daughter. She agreed and I gave Izo a devilish smile showing my pointed kanines.

"I will show you how strong I really am, this will teach you to not disrespect my sensei. I hope for are not afraid of the dark!" I snarled out as I jumped up high in the air, over the month of training I mastered this jutsu so I had complete control over it, if I wanted others to see they would be able to.

"Dark style: total blackout!" I opened my hands and the familiar large black blob came out and surrounded the arena.

Izo looked around him but wasn't able to see anything.
"What is this JUTSU?!" I smirked an whispered into his ear.
"My own creation, it slowly steals your chakra, you aren't able so see a thing as the cold will set in and you slowly lose your mind as you become paranoid." I jumped away and laughed as he spun and threw a Kuni knife, I walked circles around him as he closed his eyes an listened for my movements to give away my whereabouts.

"How long till I go insane?"
My voice came from all around so he could not pin point me.

"Depends on the person, sometimes just a few minutes are enough, others take days. it all depends on how mentally stable you are and can stay."
"How can you hold this jutsu for tht long?"
"Practice, and since you pissed us off, our rage is fueling the jutsu."
"Us? Our? What are you talking about?"
"Something you will never know about, welcome to hell!" I snarled as I jumped at him and stabbed him in the leg with a knife before moving to a different spot. He cried out in pain as I stabbed him in another spot on his other leg, brining him to his knees. I dispelled the jutsu so everyone could see the ninja on his knees trying to stand.

"How are you even alive? Your ribs should be in your lungs and heart now." he panted as he finally stood, I tilted my head as my red hair fell out of my pony tail.

"It's called healing, baka. "
"You would have to be an expert to heal that quickly, even Tsundae wouldn't be able to that quickly." I shrugged my shoulders as I walked around him, the arena was silent as we talked.

"I put up a chakra protective barrier around my insides and ribs to soften the blow, they only nicked my lungs and that's an easy fix. My ribs are no longer broken as I stalled you enough with your talking to heal them fully, even now I am healing my damaged lung. Now, can we skip talking? I find it a waste of time while I could be making you scream in pain." I ran at him but he jumped out of the way.

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