The fight

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I won't say goodbye old man, who knows. Maybe one day sooner or later I will be up there with you. When that day comes, is when I will say goodbye and Hello, until then, Sensei.
End re-cap:

It has been a while since the Funeral, Naruto and Jiraya left the Village to find a new Hokage. Kakashi was in the hospital and not long after so was Sasuke, no one would tell me what happened as I was away on a mission since being promoted to Jounin.
I was walking around late one night feeling like something was going to happen, but I got lost in thought.

I remember that, I walked into Sasuke's room to see Sakura already there peeling an apple for Sasuke. I walked beside her and grabbed one from the basket before sitting in the chair infront of Sasuke, he was ignoring everyone and stared out the window, whatever happened to him made him change for the worse.

He was gloomy and more hateful and cold, something told me that he ran into Itachi. I sighed and started to talk to Sakura, so far no one knew that I was thinking about leaving the Village and I didn't want anyone to know either, they would ask me to stay and I knew that I would cave and do so.

I was still unsure of my choice so I haven't even told Izo that I was going with him, plus it was funny just to watch him try to convince me, he offered me Ramen, to beat him up, to beat up Kakashi though he was unwilling to do so.

I was walking around the town at night after the whole Naruto and Sasuke incident on the roof of the hospital, they were lucky that Kakashi and i intervened. He grabbed Naruto and I grabbed Sasuke, each grabbing their arm and throwing them away.

I wasn't going to lie, that scared me. Sasuke's chidori scratched my arm an when he saw my blood he freaked a little before looking to Naruto, only Naruto didn't see. He went back to his blank self before running off, gosh what am I going to do?

Should I go, mama? I can't decide.

I can't decide for you, my daughter, it is only for you to decide and with whatever you choose I will support you.

With that she went silent. What a help she was.

I sighed as I rounded the bend only to see Sasuke place Sakura on a bench. I stepped out of the shadows only to turn back around and grab Sasukes hand to stop him from knocking me out.

"I am not going to stop you." with that he visibly relaxed but there was a little curiosity in his eyes.
"Why?" I looked him dead in the eyes.

"You need to make your mistakes, in order to get ready for the right outcome."

"Hn. what's that supposed to mean."

"It means that I have to let you make this mistake in order for the right outcome to come along. I know this now, Naruto is going to hate me for this, but he will see in time. Just..... keep your guard up, Orichimaru is not to be taken lightly, and make sure not to trust Kabuto, his henchmen or any of them they will turn on you in an instant. And-"

"I get it. I am leaving now." I nodded my head, blue eyes following his movement until I couldn't see him anymore before I disappeared into my room in the manor. The next day couldn't come any slower.

I awoke to rushing footsteps before my bedroom door slammed open and an angry Naruto stepped into my room still in his hospital uniform.

"Naruto?" He glared at me.

"How could you!?"
Sakura-chan told me that she saw you before Sasuke knocked her out, you say that you have all this strength, but you couldn't stop him? Why?!?" He was very angry at me and I swung my legs over the side of the bed and sat up.

"You wouldn't understand, Naruto." he growled at me.
"Try me!"
"In order for the things to come to happen he needs to make the mistakes he will. it will help the village and both of you greatly in the future."

"That's not a good enough reason!! Are you in league with Orochimaru? No family of mine would ever do this! I bet you purposely let the old man die so he could get to Sasuke!"
I stood up in anger and pointed a finger at him threateningly.

"Don't you DARE say that to me! I fought hard but I didn't have enough chakra in the end, plus you heard what those ANBU have said! Why would they lie? And you take that back!!"

"No! And they could of been under a Genjutsu that you created! Did all of this mean nothing to you? Kakashi, Sakura, Sasuke, Shika, Kiba, choji, Bushy brows and bushy brows sensei! Gaara and the rest, was all that fake!! You barely cried after Ichigo died! How do I know that you are even my own sister! I am not related to a monster like you! Just stay away from me!"

He shouted at me before storming out the door and slamming it shut so hard that the walls shook and pictures fell from them.

Inside I felt this pain, it started slow before clenching around m while heart, squeezing it so tightly that I thought that I would die from bleeding from the inside.

Crying out in pain I knew that no one could hear me, Kakashi was still in the hospital, Naruto left and Sasuke was no longer here. I clenched my chest as it felt like it was on fire.

"Why!! DO I NOT DESERVE A HAPPY LIFE FOR A WHILE?!?!? DO I NOT DESERVE AT LEAST ONE FAMILY MEMBER WHO WONT TURN ON ME?!? DO I NOT DESERVE TO BE LOVED!????" I shouted into space as I fell to the floor with tears down my face.

I laid there for a while, crying out in pain as the fire still consumed my chest and I could feel the happiness draining from me.
First Father was scared of me and wouldn't let me protect Naruto.
Second was Mother who grew wary of me in fear and stayed away from me, separating me from everyone.
And now Naruto, who felt the same pain that I did, just left and called me a monster.

I could feel the hate and pain block out Ragnda's soothing words, as it began to consume me. I tried to fight it off as it blackened my heart until I felt no more.


I am so sorry that it was so short!! I'll have the other one up again soon! Put please comment who you think she should be with!! Also one more chapter and then I am done this book and on to the sequel!! So thanks for all the votes and comments and reads!!

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