Ichigo and Zabuza

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Guy in pic is Ichigo :)

"YOU!? I remember you!" he shouted at me. "You were the one who came into the village with blood spilling from your neck!" My eyes widened as I clamped my hand over his mouth and shook my head at him, but it was to late they heard.

"What!?" Glaring at Tazuna I walked forwards again as I placed my hand over my cut on my arm and began to extract the poison from it, when done I ignored their stares and questions as i bandaged it. Feeling Kakashi's hand on my shoulder stopped me from moving,
"When this is over, we are going to have a long talk." knowing that I couldn't get away from it now, I nodded my head in agreement and kept moving.
By the time we got on the boat to cross the lake I was feeling anxious, stright across from me is where I had my first fight with Zabuza. of course the blood stains were gone, but the memories were there.

We soon made it to the shore, I stopped in a spot. here, it happened here, even after three years there was my blood stain where he slit my throat. Squating down I gently touched te spot, Kakashi stopped beside me and saw the three year old blood spatter.

"It happened here, didn't it?" I nodded my head as I stood and carried on walking in front of Tazuna.
"There!" Naruto shouted startling all of us, we looked to see him throw a Kuni at a squirrel, sakura hit him on the head. quick to run away he ran up beside me and started to talk about random things, I would nod along or give him a look where it was needed.
He one again startled us when he threw another Kuni, this time at a white rabbit, that's strange, rabbits aren't white this time of year.... realization struck me as I looked around till my eyes met Zabuzas.

"Duck!!" Kakshi yelled, I grabbed Naruto and dragged him down with me as his sword zoomed past out heads and imbedded into a tree with him landing on the handel. He hasent changed in the three years since I last saw him. I stood protectively infront of Naruto and the rest while pullin out my Kanta. it was my fathers from when he was younger.

"Oh, what's this? I see you are still alive, huh, Kiada. It's been three years, how's your throat? Soar? and what's this? You are with ninjas now? Finally tied down to another village eh? My you have gone soft, what happened to the blood thirsty girl I remember?" He mocked me as my blue eyes narrowed at him making them look darker than they were.

"Kiada?" I heard them murrmer behind me.

"They don't know your real name? Well of course you couldn't say anything, but really Kia, I wonder what else you are keeping from them?" Before he could say anymore I rushed at him twitch my blade, which he easily blocked and tossed me back towards my team. Landing on my feet I was about to lunge again but Kakashi stuck out his hand to stop me.

"He is beyond most of you, to battle him in going to need this!" He raised his headband that always covered his left eye, surprising us when it showed the sharigan.

"I get to see the Sharigan already? Why I am honored, copycat hatake."

"Sharigan, what's all this about a sharigan?" Naruto, you don't pay attention at all do you? I thought as Sasugay explained to him what it was.

I kept my eyes on the battle infront of me as the most came rolling in, Sasugay started to shake and he pulled out a Kuni, and placed it over his heart. I ripped it away from his hands as Kakashi spoke to all o us, "I won't let any of you die,i promise." Kakashi looked at me and for the second that our eyes met, I could see uncertainty and I nodded my head as in I would step in if needed.
Watching Kakashi battle Zabuza was like an intricate dance that only they knew the steps to, when Zabuza got to close to us, Kakahi would pull him away, whatever move Zabuza did, he followed. This dance of theirs went on for a while.... until Kakashi got caught in a water prison jutsu.

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