The Stranger in the midst

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A chill wind worked its way through the castle walls, chilling its inhabitants through their thick clothes.  Children ran through the mud laughing and sometimes bumping into other passerbyers as they played. One such child ran into a figure that was hidden in a long green cloak, with the hood overdrawn , hiding their face and sleeves that covered their arms but left a hole for the thumb to slip through so only their fingers showed.

"Sorry, ser" the child immediately apologized as the market place seemed to pause in anticipation, as if it wasn't normal for any visitors to be wandering in their midst. Two children ran into the courtyard, one was a boy with short hair, the other a girl with hair to her shoulders and both had the same brown eyes. Siblings most likely and the way that they were clothed and the direction that they came from would indicate that they were the children of Lord Stark.

Two more came around the same corner, both were older than the two who ran into the courtyard,  they both shared the same curly dark hair as well as eyes. All four paused to watch the scene with a tense atmosphere.

The stranger crouched down to the child, wiping the smugged dirt off of his face, smiling gently under the hood, though no one could see it, and patted the young boys head before gently giving him a small push towards his friends. The child smiled and laughed as he ran to his friends who were watching with held breath. The small courtyard that served as a market place once again came alive with life as the could tell that the stranger was no danger to them at the moment. The eyes of the two older men watched the stranger for a while longer, watching them as they went from stall to stall, seemingly buying a few supplies like dried meat and wine, almost as if the person was just traveling by.

As soon as the boys left to follow their siblings, the Lord of Winterfell was soon at the entrance, leaning against a cobblestone wall as he watched the people of the market, his eyes falling on the stranger as well, he watched the vendors face as the cloaked stranger interacted with them, their face was wiped of any emotion, almost as if they were scared of the stranger who didn't seem to speak to anyone, who just pointed at what they wanted, a messenger came and grabbed Lord Starks attention, as he walked towards the hall a thought crossed his mind, although Lord Stark couldn't hear if the person was talking but by the actions of the vendor he knew, the stranger was dangerous.

this is the first chapter in the fanfiction book that I am thinking of writing for Game of Thrones. Comment what you think or simply vote if you think I should write it!! I think its good so far.....

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