The last Chunin exams

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Her outfit is above :) got it on Google. And there is bandages where her chest shows, and all the way to the beginning to her socks,thank you :)

I sat in silence waiting for him to speak as he thought over my words, he opened his mouth and said,
End of re-cap
"Kiada.... Can you control Ragnda?" I nodded my head.
"Like I said she is good, there is a small seal on my body, but it mainly holds our connection, our way of transferring power and to talk to one another. There is nothing holding or locking her to me, she can leave anytime she wishes."
I would never leave you, my child.
I know mama.

I smiled and looked at Kakashi with expectant eyes, I figured that he would try to kill me or something, but he just sat there thinking.
"Well, its a huge surprise." I fell over and face planted it. Really? It's a surprise? What? No more 20 questions? No you are a monster? Well Naruto is his student and my father was his sensei but still.
"As long as you can control it and that the Hokage trusts you I have no reason to distrust you." I growled at him,
"Don't call mother an 'it'!" He held up his hands and mumbled sorry to me.
"We should get back to the fights, I think they should be over by now, we have been in here for hours." Kakashi said and I nodded but he grabbed my shoulder,
"One more question, well, two or three more."
"Lay em on me old man." he sweat dropped, "You do realize that I am 27 right?"
"Any way, I want to know how you can use Night/dark jutsu, is there anything I don't know about you? Anything else that may be important?"
"Well, first one I have no idea, second one, plenty, third, I am the most wanted in the Bingo book." I could hear an announcement calling all winners to the arena.
"Got to go Kaka-sensei!" I waved and ran off to the arena.
"Nee-chan! Where were you for my fight?" Naruto sounded disappointed as my clone came up beside me and pooped and I got her memories and burst out laughing.
"You farted in Kiba's face?? Hahahahahahhaha really? Oh my Kami I love you!" I hugged him while laughing hysterically. Using him for support as I glanced around at all the finalists.
There was Neji Hyuuga, Naruto. Temari, Shikamaru, Gaara, myself obviously, Sasuke, and a few others. I stood up straight and tried to suppress my giggles and look serious as they gave us a speech, congratulating us in our victory and that we would have a month to train. They showed us a list of who we would be fighting but beside my name was a question mark.
Who am I fighting?

Ragnda had no answer as she stayed silent. I sighed and looked to the Kage box to see the Hokage motioning me to come up and join him. I waited until we were dismissed before running to join him in his office in the Hokage tower, there the KazeKage wouldn't be able to bother us and we would have more privacy.
"You wanted to see me, Lord third?" I asked in respect, didn't want unwanted ears that am were outside the door*cough cough* kakashi* cough cough*.
"I think you may have noticed that there was a question mark beside your name for the final rounds to become a chunin?" I nodded in agreement but held up one finger as I silently moved to the door before suddenly swinging it open and having Kakashi, who was leaning against it reading, fall down backwards. I rolled my eyes and closed the door.
"You were saying gramps?" He chuckled as I picked Kakashi up and took his book away, moving it as he tried to reach it.
"Your punishment for eavesdropping on a conversation the dose not concern you." I said as I placed the book in a scroll that wouldn't open without my chakra. He sighed dejected but stood next to me. The third chuckled at our behavior.

"I was about to say that you will be facing a Jounin of my choice for the final exam."
"A Jounin? Why?"
"You are going to become a Jounin at the end of the exam, a co-sensei of team 7 or any other team that may need it. You are highly skilled, Kiada. And I think that it is time for you to be recognized for it." I sighed, my time of ignorant bliss would come to an end.
"As you wish, Lord Third. Who will I be facing?" The third Hokage stroked his beard with one hand as he reached for a pipe with another, slowly lighting it up and taking a deep puff, holding it in for a few seconds before exhaling and answering. Making the tensions rise.
"Your opponent is........ an ex-ANBU head Captian. He is qualified for Hokage, if he had the patience or the ambition to."
Kakashi seemed to know this person as his eyes widened, and he stammered.
"S-Sir! You can't mean-"
"Yes, Kiada." I looked at him with serious eyes as he gazed the same back at me.
"Your opponents name is Kane, Izo."
"Oh, Means Ice Spear. That sounds welcoming. Yea! Let's stick the newbie soon to be Jounin against someone whose name meaning could impale me! That sounds like a plan!" I said in a sarcastic tone, I was freaking out a little, like the guy sounded fierce!

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