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It was a quiet day, which was odd, I was in the fire country walking down a dirt path. I learned long ago that it was never a good idea to walk on the road, got attacked to many times. I rubbed the sore spot on my neck as I always do when I remember that incident, sometimes I can still feel the blood pouring down my neck from the cut. it was just a long scar now that ran across the front of my neck, I kept it hidden by wearing a black choker. I expected it to be a normal day of wandering around. I thought of stopping in a village to buy some supplies and maybe find a job to earn some extra cash since I was running low.

I walked for a few mor miles before stopping. I quickly dropped my bag before stretching and taking a look around not acting to obvious that I was on to the people who were following me. Two men and a woman by the feels of their chakra, and by the feel of their stares they weren't here to ask for directions either.

As I reached to pick up my bag again I had retract my hand quickly in order to prevent it from being stabbed by a Kuni knife. I quietly sighed, I didn't want to do this today, I was still sore from yesterday's fight. two of the three people stepped out of the bushes as the third tried to creep up from behind me to 'surprise' attack me later on. Can't they just leave me alone for another day?

I tilted my head to the side as I looked them in the eye. the two men looked to be in their late 20's to early 30's. they were wearing black clothes that seem fitted to their bodies, showing their muscles. probably to intimidate whoever they were robbing from, my guess was that they were bandits or just some really desperate people.

Feeling two more chakaras fast approaching I didn't feel the need to engage the enemy who were clearly oblivious to the fact that two ninjas were on their way to kick their ass.

"Just hand over your money and things, little girl, and you won't be hurt." the older one of the two said. I shook my head at him, like hell I was going to give my stuff away! I worked hard for this!!
"Come on Alex, can't we just kill her and leave? I am hungry, you wouldn't let me eat this morning!"

"And whose fault is that? You wouldn't wake up on time so you didn't get time to eat! I didn't want to get my ass beat again because of YOU!!" As the two started to bicker amongst them selves, seemingly to forget that I am there, I decided to grab my pack and start to walk away again.

Just as the straps were over my shoulders and I was turned around, a hand landed on my shoulder. Right, I forgot about the woman. Her Kuni knife was pressed against my throat, and I didn't like it there.
"Can you please hand me your things so I don't have to kill you?" I shook my head again and glared at her. it was then that the two ninjas jumped down from a tree branch and into the clearing, efficiently cuttings off the other twos argument.

By the symbol on their headbands I would say that they were from Konoha. Another tip off was that they both had weird hair, one looked like someone put a bowl on his head and cut aroud it and was wearing a green skin tight suit, it didn't look comfortable. The other was more interesting, with silver gravity defying hair, his headband covering his left eye and a mask covering his face.

They both wore the green vest which signified that they were jounin, which was good considering the situation that I currently am finding myself in.
The woman held the knife closer to my neck and started to draw blood.
"Let us go, and we won't kill the girl!" She yelled. Ow, my ears.

"Let the girl go, and we won't hurt you." apperently while I was spacing out and rubbing my sore ears they tied the other two idiots up. The woman behind me scoffed and held it tighter and slid it across y neck more making the cut wider. Both of the men stopped and I sighed in annoyance. I decided to act quickly.

Tossing my head back i made contact with her chest, knocking the wind out of her while stomping on her toes at the same time. Acting quickly I spun around while she was stunned and grabbed the Kuni with one hand while using my other to twist her arm behind her back. To make her neck easier to reach I kicked the back of her knees causing her to fall to them, and I pressed the Kuni to her neck. The tables were turned.

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