Weird occurances and the first task

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The Sensei's have been acting weird as of late. Always popping up out of no where, asking if I'd like to spar. It seemed like they were stalking me, no matter where I hid they would find me.

Kurenei-Sensei wanted to see how well I did in genjutsu, Kakashi was ninjutsu, and Asuma was Kenjutsu. I even had a staring contest with our very own interrogator, I think he is supposed to be intimidating, but I think he is funny. And he has a shiny head, I wonder if he waxes it and shines it every morning.....hmm.

Anywho, Ibiki lost horribly and when I laughed he got angry, called me something mean so I got angry, and I went chibi and bit his head. Yes, I have a child like behavior when I get mad, like Naruto, only I can control it better. but I couldn't help it as I turned into a chibi me and bit him so hard that he had teeth marks indented on his skull. He made me really mad and I decided that whenever I saw him that I would bite him.

As these strange occourances kept happening, I saw Temari more and same for Kankuro, who I have taken a nack for punching into walls, my excuse was of course "just in case" but really I just wanted to and I think that Temari knew that as she always laughed at him.

I only saw Garra at night when I would go for my night run. He was always on the roof staring at the stars or the moon. I felt a blush creep up my cheeks when I thought of how he looked with the moon beams hitting him and I smiled.

Finally it was the end of the week and went to the place, only to be stopped on the second floor by Izumo and Kotetsu. Aren't they supposed to be guarding the village? Not that they did a good job of that anyway but still. Don't tell them I said that.

I sighed as Sasuke was acting all high and mighty. Again.
"We have to go, and while you are at it let go of this genjutsu. it was easy to see through, right Sakura?" She made a 'huh?' Face as she then agreed, I sighed as I watched Lee And his team approach us, Neji and Ten Ten and I shared a head nod in acknowledgement.

I suddenly got bored of this so I started to walk ahead, I passed Izumo, "Aren't you two supposed to be gaurding the gate?" The smiled, "we switched out and are helping with the Chunin exams today."
"Boring, anyway, I am going on ahead, see us later!" I gave a lazy wave as I walked past.
"What about your team?" I looked to see Sasuke and Lee about to face off, "Sasuke will get his ass kicked, and Lee will try to do something illegal, Gai will show up, and I will be bored. Besides- I looked at them dead in the eye- I don't want to catch Sasukes disease."
"He has a disease?"
"Yea, didn't you know that he is gay for my brother but is in denial about the whole thing?"
"See? Anywho see ya later." I walked on to the third floor.
"Hey KaKa-san. here I am, you wanted to speak to me alone?"
"You are to take the exams alone this year, they only allow teams of three and under and well, we are a four man cell. Are you ok with this?"
"Sure, this will be a easy." I cracked my knuckles and walked into the room silently, not drawing any attention to myself yet.

I waited and sure enough the rest of people poured into the room, I sighed as I heard Ino and Sakura fighting over Sasuke and that Naruto was making a target of himself to which I hit my head for.

A sudden chill ran through my body as I tensed up, I knew this chakra, could it be? Kabuto? But if he is here... damn it! He's after the Uchina!

I made my way over just as I heard him talk about his ninja cards, I could feel Sasukes eyes on me as he listed names.

"... And Uzumaki Kiada."
"Huh? Why do you want info on my sister? She has done the same missions as us, besides she is on our team, right?"
"Not during the Exams, Naruto. Only a three man squad or lower can get in. I am on my own for this one."
"Way to go Baka! Now I am a target!" I punched him and he flew through the wall just as Kabuto read from my card.

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