Ko vs Kiada an the truth comes out!!

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This chapter is dedicated to Kitsune_Hatake15 ! Thank you for reading!!

I stopped yelling and glared at her, before speaking in a deadly calm tone.

"Procter, I plan on killing her. Step in if you wish."
I could feel Ragnda stir with in me, she also did not like being called a freak after so long of living peacefully and making friends, somehow she knew our secret. This bitch had to die.

End re-cap:

"Ready, go!"

She ran at me with a Kuni in her hands, as she ran she yelled.

"Finally, after all these years, I will avenge my fathers death!"

I jumped away and wore a confused expression, "What are you talking about?"

"I'll make you remember!" She ran at me again, it was clear to me that she was just acting on rage, not thinking things through.

"Earth style: spikes of death!" She slams her hands on the ground and no matter where I ran they followed me, I looked at her while i jumped into the air, her hands were on the ground still, so i I make her move her hands the jutsu should stop.

I grabbed a Kuni knife and threw it see hands making he remove them just in time as I landed in a clear area, it looked like a maze of spikes. So for information I knew of her was that she was horrible at Taijutsu, she was good at Ninjutsu as that was a b-rank jutsu, and I know nothing of her Genjutsu skills.

I may be in trouble....

Use your dark jutsus, she dose not know of them..

But if I do so, Sakura will know that it was I in the forest...

It is a risk we will have to take if you want to win this fight my child.

As you wish mother.

I jumped on top of one of the spikes, using chakra to help me not impale my feet. I looked down at Ko, a glare evident in my face as anger showed in my eyes.

"Do they know what you have done? Do they know who you are? What you are? You murdered my father in cold blood!!" I heard collective gasps as my memory went into action.

I was five when I killed my first human, it was shortly after my adoptive family left me and I was being chased by 12 village men and ninja.

My breaths came in short pants as my small legs tried to carry me away from the murderous glints in their eyes. All I did was buy a loaf of bread for the week when they started to chase me, I ran through the gates but they followed me into the forest anyway. The ninja were faster as one of them cut me off, I was surrounded in seconds as the twelve of them shouted at me and when I ran one way they would jab at me with their knives and other sharp objects.

"Why are you doing this? Please! All I did was buy a loaf of bread! Let me be!" My five year voice pleaded with them as my blue eyes filled with tears.

"Takuma-san, you can have the honors of the first strike, you did find out what she was after all." a tall man with dark hair an eyes stepped forward with a Kuni knife, I backed away until I felt something sharp dig into my back.

"I am going to enjoy watching you suffer, monster, never again shall your existence plague a village."
I could feel his breath on me as Ragnda spoke to me in a hurried tone.

Use the jutsu that I told you if you want us to live!

I nodded my head obediently as my tiny innocent hands began the hand signs for a jutsu that would take their lives.

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