Uzumaki manor and training with Guy

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Gaara'a pov(sorry if I am out of character and I don't get all the lines! It's been a while!)

'He stopped Kankuros hand with just a pebble. he's good.' my eyes went over to the red haired woman. 'she punched him through a fence an noticed me before everyone else, she's better.' I felt Shukkau stir inside me unconfterably.

Watch her kid, she's powerful and dangerous. I appeared beside Kankuro and Temari. "Lets go. We did not come here to fool around." I said.

"Hold on!" The pink haired girl said. the red head shook her head and looked to te clouds seeming to ignore everything happening around her. As we showed them our passports the black haired kid asked for my name.
"I am curious of yours and the red heads as well."
"I am Uchina Sasuke."
"Gaara of the sand."
We all waited for the red haired kunochi to speak but she kept lookin at the sky.
"Don't Sakura, I should do it." The blond said. But Sakura ignored him and shook her shoulder. Her eyes flashed a color that was to quick to see.

She grabbed Sakuras arm and twisted it behind her back as she grabbed a Kuni knife and was about to slit her throat. She saw the pink hair and let go instantly causing the pink haired kunochi to take a few steps away from her.

""I told you to let me do it! Do you not remember what happened to Sasuke when he first shook her? If she doesn't recognize your touch, she attacks." The blond told the scared Sakura as she looked at the now grounded Sasuke, she seemed to ask why she was touched.

He pointed to me and my surprised siblings. "He wants your name." She seemed to give him a look that said really? And you couldn't tell him why?

He hit her upside the head, "Use your words, idiot." An irk mark grew on her red head as she punched him through the fence as well, only beside the hole that Kankuro made.

Dusting the invisible dust off she turned to look at me, "Uzumaki Kiada.-she then looked at Kankuro- you probably shouldn't attack the third Hokage's grandson again, just a hint-He turne pale at this as she turned to the blond-I want Ramen" her whole team sweat dropped at her as she then turned to walk away.

Suddenly a bowl with a little left over Ramen was dumped on the pink haired woman's head and a sash that read 'I am gay' surrounded Sasuke.

"KIADA!!!" Looking down the alley she went down I could see her start running.
'Uzumaki Kiada huh'

Kiada's pov---

Gaara of the sand, huh, the holder of Shukkau. This can't be good. What do you think, Rangda? You have been awfully quiet as of late.

I am sorry my child, I was thinking of Shukkau. He does not let the boy sleep and he had a rough upbringing, almost the same as you.

Do you think he is a danger to the Leaf? How shall I deal with him?

You need to train child. I have a bad feeling about this.

Does Shukkau know that it is you that I hold? He must feel something.

He does not know that it is i, all he knows is that you are a danger to him. I must rest.

As you wish.

I found myself in front of the once was and now Uzumaki manor. It was not like the Uchina compound, it was only the main house and a few other guest houses that were scattered evenly around the main house. As I walked to the back I could see a small orchard of trees that were bearing ripe fruit and a small Koi pond to the left. To the right was a small forest of Sakura trees that were in bloom an looked so beautiful this time of year.

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