8. No Control

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Melanie's POV

We were back at the penthouse now, sitting around the living room. We were all quiet and still, but I knew this was the calm before the storm.

The air was tense. There was a pin-drop silence in the room. The only sounds that could be heard were our hard breathings. We were all staring off into space lost in thought, but you could feel the anger coming out from each of our bodies.

"So, now what?" I asked hesitantly while biting my lip, not sure if breaking the silence was the best idea.

Right now, all of my partners were like ticking bombs waiting to explode. Their reactions were unpredictable to me. I know the girls won't hurt me nor anything, but I'm not so sure about the boys. Judging by the little I know them, I don't think they would, but I can't be too trusting.

"I don't know," Bianca answered me with a sigh after some seconds.

"How did he know?" Alec asked in a deadly calm tone which honestly sent shivers down my spine.

Nobody responded. None of us knew the answer to that question, even though we all wished we did.

"That's something we need to figure out," Bianca finally said in a cold tone, but you could see she was losing her patience slowly.

"I thought you girls said he had never seen Sadie," David said with confusion.

"And he hadn't. I have no fucking idea how he recognized me," Sadie said frustratedly.

"Then what the fuck happened!? How the fuck did he know!?" Hunter suddenly roared, startling all of us.

"Aren't you listening to what we are saying!? We. Don't. Know!" Maddie exclaimed.

"There has to be something we did wrong. Maybe Vinati or his guards saw one of us and knew we were coming. Or maybe he's seen Sadie before but you didn't know," Nathan tried to reason.

"Ok, let's say you are right. How do you explain the fact that he knew her name then, dumbass?" Audrey questioned Nathan.

"What did you just call me?" Nathan seethed standing from his seat. Ok, this was starting to get out of control.

"Wait, deaf too?" she mocked.

"Guys, why don't we calm down and have a civil conversation?" Josh tried to make peace. I nodded in agreement, even though I'm not sure if they saw me.

"Why don't you shut the fuck up?" Maddie spat at Josh.

"What's your fucking problem, bitch?" Hunter defended his friend and stood up.

"Did you just call me a bitch?" Maddie hissed, standing up too.

"Can't you understand English now? Looks like I'm not the only dumbass here," Nathan mocked and rolled his eyes.

"Watch it! All of you!" Bianca stepped in, glaring at all the boys. Well, we were all shooting glares at each other at this point.

"Then watch it you too! We aren't the only ones being disrespectful, you know?" Alec retorted.

I could see this was starting to get heated. Alec and Bianca were both really composed, one of the reasons why they were the leaders of each group. But now, both of them are losing control of themselves. We all were. I knew I shouldn't have broken the silence.

"Why do you hate us so much?" Nathan asked us with narrowed eyes.

"What gave it away?" Sadie asked sarcastically.

"We just don't like you, that's all. And don't act like you adore us, because we all know you don't," Audrey sassed.

"Well, some of us are actually trying to be nice, trying to make this job easier. But it's impossible, girls!" David exclaimed.

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