57. Flames

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Josh's POV

After showing Sadie my ideas for her date with Nathan, we both started working on all the details and planning. I was ecstatic when she asked me for help with this, claiming that I knew Nathan like the back of my hand after growing up with him and being the most romantic out of all the boys, which is true.

Honestly, I can't wait for Nathan to see what she has planned. I think he will love it. Well, coming from Sadie, he would love literally anything, but the gesture that Sadie had come up with- with some of my help- is so nice and sweet.

Once we tidied all the material used up, we went to the living room, where we spotted Nathan, Mel and David talking in the couches. Sadie sat next to Nathan, who immediately put an arm around her and pulled her closer to his body as he pecked her cheek. I didn't bother to hide my grin as I sat between Mel and David in a couch in front of the lovebirds.

"What are your plans for today? I was thinking we could watch a movie together or something so we could take a break of a couple hours. A well-needed rest for our minds," Mel suggested.

"I actually didn't have anything planned so sure," Sadie shrugged while David and Nathan hummed.

"Only if it's accompanied with popcorn," I conditioned with a smirk. Mel let out a small giggle and nodded at me.

"Wouldn't be a proper movie experience with no snacks, Josh, so of course," she joked.

"I'm sorry but I think Nathan, Hunter and I have to pass," Alec interjected as he entered the room with Hunter trailing behind.

"Why?" Nathan asked him with a frown.

"There's been an emergency and we are needed at the warehouse," he briefly explained and I opened my mouth to object. He also needed a rest. He shouldn't overwork himself. "And before you complain, Josh, this is an important matter, so I'm going and that's final. Don't forget who's the boss here."

His stern and cold tone immediately made me drop the topic at the instant. However, I didn't shut my mouth. Instead, I stood up and looked at him straight in the eye.

"If it's so important, then David and I are going, too."

"Josh—," he sighed but David cut him off with a calm voice.

"Please, Alec, we are a team. We'll work on this together."

After a couple of pleads more and a little help from Sadie and Melanie, Alec finally gave in. The girls wished us luck and we made our way to the elevator and into the garage, where we all settled in our car and drove away.

During the drive there, I kept wondering what this problem could be. It had to be something serious and important for the Don to be called in. If this was a small issue, the base's boss would handle it alone without the presence of the main boss required. The Romano's would only be asked to come if there was a risk for the mafia.

Soon we found ourselves in front of the old-looking building. We got out of the car as I pushed those worries and the bad feeling I had aside, ready to focus on whatever this was.

"Welcome, gentlemen," Harrison greeted us as we made our way into the warehouse.

"Harrison," Alec greeted him with a firm shake of hand while the rest of us nodded at him.

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