80. Explanations

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Audrey's POV

Light illuminated City Hall Station as we walked in, only one minute after midnight. However, there was no sign of Savannah nor Ryker yet and that didn't put me on ease. It was silent, too silent, the only sound heard being our careful footsteps. I admit that, in spite of its beauty, I didn't quite like the place my sister had chosen for us to meet, but I did understand the reason of her choice. She knew nobody would be here at this time, that nobody would see or hear us.

"Please, be careful," Josh pleaded through the earpiece for the sixth time in the past ten minutes, making me roll my eyes internally. Maddie, on the contrary, didn't bother to hide her annoyance.

"Whatever," she mumbled as we all scanned the place, our eyes stopping specifically on the colored glass tilework.

My nerves were increasing with each passing second. It was like I was now realizing what we were about to do. For the past week, it felt so far away in time that it didn't feel real, not till now that I was here and my brain had processed everything. And, as much as curiosity was killing me, I'm not sure if I'm ready to hear the story about why Savannah acted the way she did. I was scared of the fact that it could be worse than I could ever imagine, or maybe that, instead of fixing our relationship, it could break it even more.

Seven minutes passed by and we were still alone there, not helping my case. Millions of doubts and questions started clouding my mind and I hated it, they were making me feel insecure and vulnerable. What if she didn't come? What if Angelo caught her and she was in danger? Or what if this is all a trap?

That last supposition was the most nagging, because I really didn't want that to be true and part of me feared it was. I could hate my sister all I wanted for the things she did, but deep down, even if I would never admit it, we all knew I missed her. I wouldn't be here if I didn't. And, as much as I had tried to stop myself, my hopes had already risen up a bit, so if her really working for Angelo was true, it would break me all over again.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Maddie was getting restless too as she bounced her right foot on the floor. That kinda made me feel better, knowing someone else was feeling the same way. Bianca eventually stopped her though, pleading for her to calm down.

"Great, they're not coming. You can leave," Hunter exclaimed too enthusiastically, leaving it clear that he didn't want us here alone.

Rolling my eyes, I didn't let anyone reply and turned the earbuds and microphones off. The girls turned to me wide-eyed, but I ignored it. The boys were not helping my uneasiness with their comments, plus I was already planning to do that. It was my sister, she was going to tell her story. I simply didn't want them to eavesdrop.

"They're gonna kill us," Sadie mumbled in exasperation.

"Like I give a fuck," Maddie responded with a scoff and silence engulfed us for a few seconds.

"This is a bit scary," I muttered in attempt to divert the topic and was grateful I succeeded when they all turned to me with raised eyebrows. "I mean, we are in an abandoned station in the middle of the night. In terror movies, this shit doesn't usually go well."

"You're so lucky you aren't in a scary movie then," Maddie smiled sarcastically before smirking. "Or well, maybe you are and you didn't even know. Beware of the monsters hidden in the dark," she teased.

"Are you calling us monsters, Madison?" a voice I knew too well startled us.

We all snapped our heads towards the source of the sound just to find Savannah approaching us with Ryker following close behind. Their footsteps echoed through the station until they were right in front of us. Us Dark Ghosts wore our signature cold masks while Savannah was smirking and Ryker had a nervous expression until his eyes fell on Maddie. He then gave her a small smile, which caused her to crack one of her own, even if my sister —a complete stranger to her— was watching.

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