70. Las Vegas (part 1)

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Third Person's POV

The jet was still flying through the air, only thirty minutes left till they landed. Boys and girls were sitting together in one set of couches, waiting for Josh so they could start reviewing their plan.

Just then, a sleepy Josh slowly strode in and plopped himself in one of the many available seats, the one in between Mel and Audrey. He ran a hand through his face, trying to get rid of his sleepiness while the rest greeted him.

"I'm here," he was cut off by a yawn. "Let's get started."

"Ok," Bianca started as she clasped her hands together. "We'll arrive by lunch time to Vegas, but we'll still have till evening to prepare everything and then carry out our plan. Sadie, do you have the costumes ready?"

The latter confirmed with a nod.

"My father has already sent some men there. They will be checking the perimeter so there aren't any dangers when we arrive. Boys, do you have everything I asked for ready?" Alec questioned, earning a nod from his four friends.

"Holden also said he would keep the police there away from us in case something happens, apparently he has contacts," Sadie added.

"And what should we do during the free hours?" asked Maddie as she twirled the knife she had previously gotten between her fingers. Let's just say she was quite eager to use this type of weapon during this trip.

"There are many things you can do in Vegas," Audrey started. "You can go get drunk, do tourism, go to a casino or a club, get married to a stranger. Hey, I may try the last one!" she ended her rant with a smirk directed to Hunter.

She wanted revenge on Hunter and she had already thought about the perfect plan to do so. At first, she was going to say fuck him and fuck men, but her mindset changed when she realized she wanted to prove that nobody could play with her. She wanted to show him how wrong he was, how much he was missing and her plan was perfectly working judging by the low, almost inaudible groan that left Hunter's lips, accompanied by a jealous glare.

"Oh poor man, married to you," Maddie taunted, making Audrey snap her head towards her.

"At least he's not married to your grumpy ass," she retorted, playfully sticking her tongue out at the end while Maddie rolled her eyes.

"Both of you, stop it!" Mel pleaded them both, momentarily shutting her eyes in frustration.

"You can do whatever you want as long as you don't leave your respective rooms, except emergencies of course. You have to remember that we'll be staying close to Angelo and his crew, closer than ever. We can't take any risks," Bianca replied while closing the files that were previously exposed in front of her, all of them containing the information they had and needed for the current mission.

"We are not there for a vacation," Alec added, shooting a warning glare to Hunter and Nathan.

Both men rolled their eyes at his words. "We are not going to party, cugino, don't worry," Nathan scoffed.

Their conversation was soon cut off by the pilot, who announced the imminent landing of the plane. After they had touched land, they all made their way out of the jet and collected their bags, heading to their hotel right after.

"Welcome to Vegas!" exclaimed a now fully awake Josh as he flung his arms into the air, the hotel they were staying in at his back.

The others only stared at him with bored expressions, already used to this type of behavior on their friend. The only one who let out a small chuckle was Melanie, making Josh's smile widen.

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