9. Deep

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Audrey's POV

It's already been a few hours since the fight and it's now dark outside. All the girls were in my room with the exception of Maddie, who was probably underground fighting. We were all doing the activities that usually calms us down.

Melanie was drawing a beautiful landscape on her sketch book while sitting in my bed with her back on my headboard. She's always loved drawing and she's really good at it.

Bianca was laying on my small sofa in the corner of my room reading some book. I don't know its title or what it's exactly about, but I'm pretty sure it's romance. She's a sucker for romance books.

Sadie was typing on her laptop and laying next to Mel on my queen size bed. Learning new stuff helps her relax. It can be learning a new language or reading some kind of book. Today, for example, she was learning new hacking tricks.

In my case, I was shopping online while reorganizing my closet. I've always been a fashion lover. When I was younger, we barely had money for food and other essentials, so I didn't have many clothes. Still, my love never faded. Now, I have more money, so I spend lots of it on clothing. When I don't use my old clothes anymore, I donate them to people who can't afford it, just like my situation used to be.

We were all in our own little worlds when Holden barged into my room with his phone on his hand. We all looked at him questioningly.

"Couldn't you have at least knocked on the door? As long as I remember, this is my room," I said. Dude, learn how to knock, you are invading my privacy.

"That's not important right now, Ms Peterson. We have an... issue," Holden announced and now he had our full attention.

"What kind of issue?" Bianca asked with a serious tone.

"Where's Ms Bell?" he asked ignoring Bianca's question. Thanks for answering, my friend.

"She isn't here, can't you see that?" I said a little irritated.

"Well, could you ask her to come?" he asked us.

"We will, but first could you stop with this secrecy and tell us what the hell is up?" Bianca demanded and we saw Holden take a deep breath.

"Angelo Vinati and Nikolai Smirnov were seen by one member of my team this afternoon in what looked like a meeting," he explained and that's all it took for us to tense up.

"I'll call Maddie," Sadie said taking her phone out and dialing Maddie's number. Thankfully, she picked up.

"Come back now, we have a problem," Sadie told her.


It's been around twenty minutes and we were waiting for Maddie in my room. Suddenly, a worried looking Madison slammed the door open and made her way inside.

"And another one who doesn't knock. Do you need me to write a manual for you on how to do it or what?" I exclaimed dramatically and Maddie rolled her eyes.

"What's the problem?" she asked us impatiently.

"Ok, first of all, we know how you are, so take a seat and calm down before we start," Mel pleaded her and Maddie groaned but complied. Then she motioned for us to start.

"Remember the night when we first attempted to kill Angelo that he was there for a meeting?" Sadie started and Maddie nodded.

"Well, apparently it finally took place today," Bianca continued.

"One officer saw him and Nikolai Smirnov, the leader of the Russian mafia, talking in some restaurant in Midtown Manhattan. We don't know what they were talking about, but we've got a feeling that it has to do with you, girls. And probably the Italian mafia too," Holden added.

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