13. Back Home

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Alec's POV

It's been a few days since we came back to New York. Things between us have been going quite good, I guess. We haven't argued and we are slowly starting to get along. But I must admit it's also been a bit awkward. As if we are still getting used to it.

Honestly, I can't believe the trip actually worked. I only went because my father ordered me to. At first, in my opinion it was just a waste of time that could have been used to track and kill Vinati. But it actually wasn't. We did bond there. And maybe I did have a good time.

That's a rare sight of me. I don't usually go around giving smiles and laughs like I did in the trip. I'm a future mafia boss, I'm usually cold and emotionless. But these women, especially the green eyed beauty, they make me want to come out of my shell if that means I can get to know them.

I shouldn't though. It's dangerous for them. My enemies could hurt them in order to hurt me, and I don't want that. But I can't help myself either. They are proving to me that I'm not that heartless.

I was quite surprised with how the girls behaved during that weekend. I wasn't expecting them to let us see through their masks, but they did, even if it was just a little bit.

I feel like they are also having an internal battle, just like me. Hesitating wether to let their walls down or not. For some unknown reason to me, they don't want to open up to us. And once I again, I have a gut feeling it has to do with that past of theirs.

Right now, I was in my room talking to my father on the phone. I had a meeting with the rest in around 30 minutes, but I needed to ask him for some advice before.

"Va tutto bene lì?" I asked my father through the phone. (Translation: Is everything going well there?)

"Si, figlio. Non hai nulla di cui preoccuparti. Come te la passi?" he answered and I sighed. (Translation: Yes, son. You have nothing to worry about. How are you doing?)

"Non lo so, padre. Non lo so." (Translation: I don't know, father. I don't know.)

"Perché? Cosa c'è non va?" he asked with worry lacing his tone. (Translation: Why? What's wrong?)

"Queste ragazze stanno nascondendo qualcosa," I explained. (Translation: These girls are hiding something.)

"Cosa stanno nascondendo? È male?" he asked suspiciously. (Translation: What are they hiding? Is it bad?)

"Non è una minaccia per noi se è quello che stai chiedendo. Ma è un male. Non so cosa fare, papà. Vorrei chiedere a David di fare un controllo dei precedenti, ma Sadie, l'hacker, è davvero brava, quindi è possibile che se ne renda conto. Se lo scoprono, si arrabbieranno e non voglio infrangere la loro fiducia," I told him. (Translation: It's not a threat for us if that's what you're asking. But it is bad. I don't know what to do, dad. I want to ask David to make a background check, but Sadie, the hacker, is really good so it's possible she realizes it. If they find out, they will be mad and I don't want to break their trust.)

"Sarebbe una brutta mossa, figlio. Da tutte le informazioni che ho raccolto negli ultimi giorni, non danno fiducia così facilmente. Se lo fai e loro lo scoprono, non si fideranno mai di te. Quello che penso che dovresti fare è aspettare fino a quando o se sono pronti," he advised me while I stayed silent. (Translation: That would be a wrong move, son. From all the information I've gathered in the past few days, they don't give trust so easily. If you do that and they find out, they will never trust you. What I think you should do is wait for them until or if they are ready.)

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