20. Jealousy

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Nathan's POV

After our moment, I followed Sadie out of the office. I don't know what this surprise package is, but it better be good for interrupting us. I'm not sure if kissing Sadie would have been a good idea or not, but I don't regret what just happened. All I know is that now I need a cold shower.

When we arrived to the living room, Sadie stopped on her tracks with her eyes fixed on something in front of her. I followed her gaze and saw that there was a boy, maybe around my age, getting out of the elevator.

"Hey, little bug."

"Xavier! What are you doing here?" I heard Sadie say.

Xavier? Who the fuck is Xavier?

"Aren't you pleased to see me, little bug? I thought you would like your surprise package," he replied with a playful pout. Well, I don't like it.

A grin suddenly broke into Sadie's face. She then rushed towards him and launched into his arms, giving him a tight hug. She had her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist while he twirled her around, hugging her back with the same intensity. After a few seconds, he placed her on the floor giving her a kiss on the cheek -wait what?

"When did you arrive to New York? I thought you were still working in Boston," she asked him softly.

"Oh, I've just landed. And well, I was offered a position in a hospital here and I decided to accept it. Not only it pays better, but I can also be in the city I was born in and closer to you," he explained earning a small smile from Sadie.

"Is Em coming too?" she asked him curiously. And who is this Em now?

"Yup. She will be coming in two weeks though. She had to ask for a last minute transfer in the law firm, so she had to stay there to close a few things off before moving here. Meanwhile, I came here to start cleaning our new apartment, moving some boxes and maybe spend some time with you if you aren't too busy?" he answered.

"Of course. Oh, and don't forget to write your new address down for me so I know where you live now," Sadie said with a playful stern look.

"Sure—." Tired of standing here witnessing this reunion, I cut them off by clearing my throat.

Both of their heads snapped to me. Sadie held a slightly shocked look, as if she had forgotten I was here. The boy's expression though is more confused and questioning other than anything.

"Who is he?" the boy asked Sadie.

"I could ask you the same thing," I harshly replied raising an eyebrow.

"Nathan," Sadie whispered-yelled to me in a warning tone.

"What the fuck are you doing in this penthouse?" I growled. I saw Sadie's eyes widen probably because of my harsh tone, but right now I couldn't care less.

"Can't I come and visit my little sister?" he replied swinging an arm protectively around Sadie's shoulders.

"Well, as a matter of fact, you—, wait, did you just say little sister?" I asked in shock after realization of what he had said hit me. Oh, shit.

"Nathan, this is my brother Xavier. Xavi, this is Nathan," Sadie introduced us warily.

"Hey," he said extending his hand out for me to shake.

"Oh, um, hi," I awkwardly greeted as I shook his hand.

"So if you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here? As far as I know, my sister lives here with her four best friends," he asked me, but Sadie answered before I could with panic in her eyes for one second.

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