19. Xavier

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Melanie's POV

"Ok, thanks, Jeremiah. I'll let her know," I said as I entered the building.

I had just gone to buy some groceries. We may have money, but we still like to do some things by ourselves. For example, with groceries, we take turns on who goes, and today was mine.

I was struggling a bit with the bags, but thankfully I managed. It's no lie that we've had to buy more food recently. After all, now we have to feed twice as many mouths as before. And I also bought Audrey her favorite chocolates, you know, to kind of compensate for the other day's incident.

As I waited for the elevator, I looked around the lobby. Ever since Maddie's father escaped, we've been on high alert and that also includes more bodyguards. The increase of security was barely noticeable, but I did notice it. I guess being more the quiet type makes you more observant.

Finally in the elevator, I pressed on our floor's button. After a few minutes, I reached the penthouse and the doors slid open, leading me to an empty living room. I made my way towards the kitchen where I placed the bags.

"Hey, do you need some help?" a voice said from the door, startling me a bit. I turned around and saw David coming towards me and the bags.

"Oh yeah, thanks," I said as we both started on our work.

We placed all the products on its place in comfortable silence except for the usual 'where does this go?' or questions like that. It's true that I've got closer to the boys over the past few weeks. I no longer see them as the big, bad, scary mafia guys that came here around a month ago. Now they're more like friends, and to be honest, I don't dislike the idea.

"Hey, I love these cookies, they are my favorite! I didn't even know that they sold them here in the US," David exclaimed while holding a chocolate chip cookies' box.

"Really? They are my absolute favorite too!" I exclaimed excitedly.

"Can I take one?" he asked me.

"Of course! But only if you hand me one," I cheekily said. He took two cookies out of the box and after handing me one, we both started munching our treat.

"You know, I used to eat these all the time while growing up. My mom always had to hide them from me, but I ended up finding them every time," he laughed, making me giggle.

"I don't blame you, they are really good. I first bought them after joining the Dark Ghosts and now you could say I'm obsessed," I explained with a small chuckle.

I was actually happy that I was bonding with David, even if it was just over some silly cookies. And before anyone asks, no, I don't like him. He's more like a brother.

"By the way, do you know by any chance where Sadie is?" I asked him after we were done. 

"Last time I saw her was during breakfast, but I don't know where she went next, sorry. Why do you ask?" he answered with a curious look.

"Jeremiah, our doorman, told me to give her a message, but I don't even know if she's at home," I said.

"I don't remember watching her go out. Why don't you go check her room?" he suggested.

"Yeah, I'll do that. See you later," I replied with a warm smile which he returned.


I left the kitchen and went upstairs, stopping in front of Sadie's door. I knocked on the door while asking for her, but silence was the only response I got. I opened the door just to see an empty bedroom, so I decided to ask someone if they had seen her. I went towards Audrey's room repeating the same process, except this time I heard a 'come in'. I opened the door and saw Audrey and Sadie sitting on her bed chatting. I guess my search is over.

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