97. Last Battle

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Alec's POV

I felt I was going crazy.

If you had asked me years ago how I imagined my first hours as a Don, I could've given you plenty of answers but this wouldn't be one of those. I had an entire mafia searching high and low through this whole country for my girlfriend, for any kind of hint that could lead us to where she was right now. But, much to my dismay, no news had arrived yet.

I had never, ever, been more scared in my life. Not knowing where Bianca was, if she was ok, if she was being mistreated right now... it all had me overwhelmed with feelings of dread and rage, a rage so powerful I could burn this whole city down. It's been hours since I last saw her and I swear each minute that passed by without her, safe and sound by my side or in my arms, felt like hell. It was like I was losing my mind.

I unbuttoned the upper buttons of my shirt, them starting to feel suffocating. After that, I rewound the security camera's tape for the sixth time today, my eyes scanning every inch of the screen in search of something I missed. There had to be something, anything, even the smallest detail, that told me where Bianca could be right now. At least, who did it was pretty obvious.

I swear the moment I get my hands on Angelo Vinati, he will wish he'd never messed it me. He's already caused way too much damage, I won't allow him to hurt the first woman I'm not related to and care about. I would burn Italy, Europe or even the whole world if needed just to find Bianca and get her out of that sick man's clutches.

Muttering strings of curses to myself, I tightly fisted my hands until my knuckles turned white when, again, I didn't see anything relevant in the videotape. I pressed again on the rewind button, rubbing the tiredness out of my eyes, just to be interrupted mid-video by the sound of my office's door opening. I lifted my head, my gaze filled with more hope than I intended to, just to see Sadie walking in with her laptop in hand.

"Any news?" I asked her as I stood up.

She remained silent, just staring at me with her iconic emotionless stare. She then placed her open laptop on top of my desk, the screen showing me the map of Italy with a red spot shining bright in the middle of it. My eyes widened as I thought of what it could be, looking up at her for some reassurance.

"I have Bianca's location," she stated, confirming my doubts.

"What? How did you get it?" I asked, looking back at the screen and its intermittent red dot.

The only response I received from her was silence. Her gaze lowered to the floor as she cleared her throat before looking back up at me. No words, nothing, but the answer was clear in her eyes.

"You and Bianca knew this was going to happen," I whispered in realization.


Just a single, three-letter word was all it took for me to be fueled with a sudden anger. The next thing I knew, my palm was hitting the wooden desk, creating a loud sound that resonated through the entire room. Sadie never flinched, not even when I threw her my coldest glare; she stayed impassive the whole time, simply staring at me.

"How?" I demanded to know, my tone lowering an octave.

"Bianca overheard two of Angelo's men talking while she was running from the bullets in Vegas. According to her, they said and I quote 'poor girls who still think one of these battles will be the last, just wait till boss lures them into his own territory'. Bianca and I got to the conclusion that he would do something for us to come to Italy, where he would carry out the last part of his plan."

My jaw clenched at her confession. By doing that and staying quiet, they have both risked their lives, they didn't even know exactly what Angelo plan was yet here they are; Bianca kidnapped who knows where and Sadie speaking to me about the little information they've been hidden ever since—. Wait, Vegas? They fucking knew ever since we went to Las Vegas?

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