50. In The Dark

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Bianca's POV

Have you ever experienced a situation where you feel like your heart is beating so fast that it may burst out of your chest at any moment? Well, that's what I'm going through right now.

His voice was deep, threatening, frightening even. And his words didn't make me like this situation any better. In fact, I hated it. I was overpowered. I knew that my life was in his hands at the moment and he wouldn't hesitate to take it away.

I had to think fast to get out of this mess by myself. I was alone; I could hear distant, muffled voices from my earpiece, but I guess the connection was failing. Perfect timing, huh.

I'm not going to deny that I was scared; being held at gun point is never funny nor entertaining. But the wave of hatred I felt towards my current attacker gave me an ounce of confidence and bravery, the traits I needed the most right now.

"Do it," I spoke coldly, I didn't want him to feel fully at control. I needed to remind him that I can also make the rules here, that he isn't the master who plays with his puppets whenever and however he wants to.

"Oh, piccola," he chuckled and continued speaking with mockery. "Don't tempt me. I would love to, but please do let me enjoy this moment, huh?" (Little one)

"You know, even if you kill me, you will die in the end. My partners will make sure of it," I threatened but he just laughed, the gun now pressed tighter against my head making my body stiffen.

"Well, I guess my death would be worth it at least. I would have gotten to destroy the invincible Dark Ghosts," he proudly stated.

I clenched my jaw, my hands instantly fisted. Hearing him talk like that about us made my blood boil and I so badly wanted to start punching him in the face. But I had to be patient and wait, I had to play my cards correctly.

Right after he spoke, the lights glitched for a second, notably catching us both by surprise. Thanks to the reflection of the screens, I could see Angelo momentarily look up at the lights in confusion. He was distracted. This was my chance. I had to take advantage of this opportunity, knowing that when the next one comes I would probably be already dead.

I quickly turned around, grabbing the wrist that holding his gun in the process. I twisted it and pushed it away from me so I was out of the line of fire. However, he still managed to pull the trigger and a gunshot rang through the air before the gun fell of his hand.

(Trigger warning: violence)

Everything happened in the blink of an eye from here on. We wrestled through the once again dark room, throwing some blows here and there while I tried to ignore the pain in my arm. I had to bit my tongue harshly to not let out the string of curses that I was saying internally. I could already feel the warm liquid oozing out of my upper arm, where the bullet had hit me, but I needed to keep fighting. I never was one to give up easily, so I'm not going to start now.

It was hard. There was no light in the room, so we were fighting blindly. I could feel his presence and how he moved, but I couldn't see it quite clearly. It doesn't help either that he's a good fighter, a way too good fighter. It was clear that he had some more experience than me, which played on his favor, not mine.

Both of us were disarmed too. Our guns were somewhere on the floor, but we couldn't see exactly where so we couldn't pick them up. I was just secretly hoping he didn't have another gun with him.

I threw a punch towards his face, managing to hit his jaw. However, he didn't stumble much as he hastily grabbed my hair in a tight grip and pushed my head against a table harshly. I felt dizzy for some seconds and he took advantage of that time to push me against the wall and grab my throat, almost choking me.

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