83. Hawk

698 41 10

Sadie's POV


My right hand's fingers swiftly typed on the laptop that was resting on my lap, a mug of hot chocolate on my other hand and warm, comfortable clothes to contrast with the cool and rainy weather outside. Without looking away from the screen, I took a small sip of my sweet beverage, so focused on my work that I didn't even hear the knock on my door.

It wasn't till I heard the door being opened that I turned my head towards the entrance of my room, just to find my dad there smiling warmly at me.

"Hey, princess," he greeted me softly while making his way inside, holding a tray of something I was yet to see. "I brought you some freshly-baked cookies from your mom. You can have them with your chocolate."

I smiled at him and placed the mug on my nightstand. He then sat on the bed in front of me, placing the tray of cookies in between us while I put my laptop aside.

"Thanks," I chirped while grabbing one and taking a small bite with hesitance in case it was too hot; thankfully, their temperature was perfect. I hummed in approval as its delicious flavor hit my tastebuds, my mom once again outdoing herself. "They're really good," I complimented.

"They are. Seriously, I don't know how your mother manages to create such delicious traits," he nodded in agreement while taking a cookie for himself and gazing at my laptop. "What were you doing?"

"I was working on a new program. Look." I quickly gulped the rest of my cookie down and drank some chocolate as I put the laptop in a position in which he could see the screen.

He leaned in with squinted eyes and I proceeded to explain to him what I've been working on, the steps I followed, which codes I have used and how... I started nervously fidgeting with my fingers when, at the end, he remained silent and studied my work. My father was my idol and role model, but most of all he was my mentor: he taught me everything I know today and disappointing him wasn't something I would ever like to do.

"This... this is really good," he smiled at me. "That's my smart girl." He ruffled my hairs.

"Dad!" I whined while slapping his hand away, making him laugh as I fixed my messy hair.

"I'm serious, angel, this work is amazing. Professional hacker leveled. I'm so proud of you, little one."

I grinned and couldn't help but launch myself into his arms, hugging him as if my life depended on it. He wholeheartedly laughed and returned the hug with the same love and affection and we just stood there, me enjoying the protective warmth my father provided.

"Can you promise me one thing?" he asked once we pulled away. I nodded with furrowed eyebrows, not really liking the now stern and serious expression on his face. "Your sixteenth birthday is coming up; next week, actually. My baby is getting bigger," he pouted while I playfully glared at him, he knew how much I disliked 'baby' out of all the pet names he could have for me. However, he quickly laughed it off and kept talking while rubbing his hand up and down my arm, his surrounding my shoulder.

"You are a brilliant, intelligent girl, Sadie, and I trust only you for this task. I don't want you to worry or jump into conclusions, ok? This is just a precaution I'd like to take, hm?" I nodded when he paused with a sigh and a pained expression, almost as if whatever he was going to say next physically pained him. "If something ever happens to me—."

"Why would you say that?" I cut him off, panic and uneasiness growing on me.

"I said don't jump into conclusions," he was quick to reassure me in a soothing manner, giving my shoulder a gentle squeeze. "As I was saying, if something ever happens to me and I'm not able to be here, I would like you to take care of your mom and brothers. I want you to hack into whatever you need to hack and hide yourselves, don't let any harm come to any of you, ever. You have outstanding skills and I'm sure you'll be able to reach so far with them. I only ask for you to protect them. Can you do that for me?"

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