12. Bonding Time (part 2)

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Third Person's POV

The sun rose in Niagara Falls, but it wasn't shining. Clouds were all over the sky and rain poured heavily from them.

The ten people in the room were sleeping peacefully in the same groups as the other night. The girls were lucky and they didn't have any nightmares. Their plan on taking some sleeping pills and sleeping on the same bed had worked.

The first one in waking up was Josh. He usually likes to sleep till late, but, just as the previous day, he was so excited about the activities and plans they had that he decided to get up early. That excitement faltered for a moment when he looked out of the window and saw what the weather was like outside.

It didn't really matter to him though. He still wanted for the whole team to bond and no rain was going to stop him. So he took a big, deep breath and shouted as loudly as he could while pacing around the room.

"Rise and shine, my little ducks! It's time for you to wake up!"

The others instantly jerked up, alarmed because of the sudden noise. Once they all realized it was Josh, they glared at him.

"Come o—," he continued but got cut off by a pillow hitting him in the head.

"Shut up, idiot, and let me sleep!" Nathan said groggily while Josh rubbed his head with a pouty face.

"You're lucky Nathan threw you the pillow, because if it had been up to me, I would have thrown you the lamp," Maddie threatened with the deadliest glare she could muster. Once again, she didn't like to be woken up.

"What the hell dude? It's like 6.30 am, it's too damn early. Plus I saw it's raining, we can't do any activities," Hunter groaned making his way into the bedroom.

"That's where you are wrong my friend. I know it's a shame we can't go outside today, but who said we couldn't have a day in? Sit around the leaving room while wearing sweats, eating snacks, playing some fun games, maybe watch another movie later... What do you say?" Josh ranted with enthusiasm.

"Do we have to?" Maddie asked with annoyance.

"Yes, missy. You all have to. It's an order," Josh commanded.

They all groaned, but got up and started getting ready for the day. They all knew that Josh wouldn't change his mind. Especially the boys, they knew he could be pretty convincing. After they were all done, there was a knock on the door.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. I ordered room service while you were getting showered and dressed. It must be them," Josh explained after seeing his friends' confused faces.

Seconds later, Josh was bringing inside some trays with a little bit of all kind of food: pancakes, waffles, muffins, donuts, bacon, scrambled eggs, yogurt...

"You know we are just ten people, right?" Melanie asked in shock. Well, all of them were with the amount of food placed in front of them.

"I know, but I didn't know what you were craving so I ordered a little bit of everything they had. Plus, it may look like it's too much, but believe me it's not. These boys can eat like pigs," Josh shrugged with a chuckle at the end earning a hard glare from his friends, which he ignored. Then they all proceeded to eat.

"Ok, so what should we do now?" Alec asked after they were all finished with breakfast. And as Josh predicted, all the food was now gone.

"I'm glad you asked, Aly," Josh said and Alec threw him a glare. Meanwhile, the girls were either biting their lip or their cheek to contain their laughs.

"How many times do I have to tell you Josh? Don't call me Aly," Alec groaned and this time the girls couldn't hold it any longer. They broke into laughter caused by Alec's newfound nickname. This made Alec shift his glare to them, even if deep down he himself was amused.

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