2. Consequences

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Bianca's POV

Every action has consequences, whether we like it or not. Life consists of a circle full of causes and consequences in which, whatever we do, eveyrhtung will have a positive or negative effect in our lives or others'. In our case, here we are, sitting on the New York police chief's couch at almost midnight, ready to face the consequences of our actions.

"I think you owe me an explanation," Holden said, crossing his arms and looking at us with a stern look.

"Things didn't go as expected," I said confidently, looking straight into his eyes. That's one of our rules; always show confidence.

"So, Miss Blackwell, you're saying that starting a gunfire in a popular club full of people and still letting the target run away—?" Holden scolded, but got cut off by Audrey's complaints.

"Come on, Holden!"

"I would rather you ladies called me Mr. Matthews, thank you very much," Holden stated calmly.

"Seriously? Even after the night we shared a few months ago?"

We all looked at Audrey with wide eyes after those words left her mouth. What the heck? They've slept together? I briefly looked over Holden and saw he was blushing.

"Miss Peterson, I think I've told you to forget about that night. We were both drunk and it should never repeat itself," he replied, probably ashamed that his dirty little secret got out.

"Aye aye, captain. Not that you were that good," she mumbled before Holden cleared his throat.

"Back to the important issue, what were you even thinking? Not only you could have died, but I could lose my job!" Holden scolded us.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me! Your precious little job is much more important than our lives, huh? How can you be so goddamn selfish? It's not our fucking fault you decided to become a corrupt officer!" Madison argued.

"Miss Bell, that was not what I was trying to say, I—," Holden defended.

"Bullshit! You-" she started once again, but got cut off by Mel, who was by her side, slapping her arm with a gasp coming out of her mouth. We all cursed occasionally, but sometimes she cursed too much for Mel's liking. Maddie responded with a roll of eyes, but shut up anyway.

"We are sorry, Mr. Matthews," Melanie said sweetly.

"What's done is done, Miss Parks. We can't change the past. But I accept and appreciate your apology," Holden said, rubbing his temples.

"With all due respect, Mr. Matthews, I don't think we owe you an explanation. We know and admit we've made a mistake. And we'll do everything in our power to repair it. But don't put all the blame on us. After all, you were the one who called us for this job because you and your men couldn't do it. So don't criticize us for doing your fucking job," Sadie spoke for the first time since we came here, her tone calm and confident, but lacing with sarcasm while saying 'Mr. Matthews'. "And I'm guessing you didn't call us to just scold us, did you? Because if that's the case, I suggest you get to the point already," she concluded.

"You're right, Miss Williams. Our deal clearly states that you can't get the rest of the police involved in your missions. Today you almost broke it, so I have to make sure nothing similar happens again," he started. We all looked at him and then at each other with confusion.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I voiced our thoughts.

"Today I've received a quite interesting offer. I assume you've already done a background check on Angelo Vinati and you must have noticed his feud with the Italian mafia. This night at the club, Vinati was going to meet Nikolai Smirnov, leader of the Russian mafia and another enemy of the Italians. The Italian Mafia suspects they are both plotting against them to bring them down and take all of their power. Of course, they want to stop it, but they need help. There's where you all come in. The Italians have come to know about your existence and my relationship with you. That's why they called me, to ask me for help. I told them I would ask for your opinion first, but after today's 'incident', I decided that won't be an option anymore," he paused to study our expressions before his announcement. "Ladies, you will work with the Italian Mafia."

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