23. Underground Fights

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Third Person's POV

"What do you mean you attacked them!?" Angelo screamed in pure anger at his ally's face, who was sitting in one of the chairs of the meeting room.

"I just saw the opportunity and took it!" Nikolai defended himself.

"I told you we were going to wait!" Angelo hissed.

"And I'm tired of waiting! We had the opportunity right there, in front of us. They were alone! Why sit back when we could just kill them and finally take their territory?" Nikolai responded, irritated by Angelo's constant orders.

"Have you never heard the quote 'Revenge is a dish best served cold'? We need to be patient," Angelo said while glaring at his partner.

Nikolai wasn't visibly affected by his glare, but deep inside he felt intimidated. However, he would never let that show.

He was still a bit reluctant about Angelo's plan. He wanted to end the Italians to take their place as the most powerful mafia. But a trait Nikolai lacked of was patience, and Angelo didn't like that. Angelo hated that.

"Just look at what happened. You lost your men and those two are still alive. If you keep doing this, you are going to jeopardize the whole plan," Angelo sneered, trying to convince the Russian leader.

"And can't we just do it a little faster?" he shot back.

Angelo took a deep breath to control his anger. He didn't like it when people defied him. But, as much as he wanted to, he couldn't punch nor kill Nikolai. He still needed him to execute his plan.

Just as he was about to open his mouth to object, he remembered something. And it was like a bulb lit up inside his head. He had a new idea, that was beneficial for the plan and could make his partner shut up.

"Ok, I guess we could fasten something up," he agreed with an evil grin.

That took Nikolai by surprise. He had been persistent, but to be honest he wasn't expecting him to give in so fast. Curiously, he asked him what he was talking about, making Angelo smirk before replying.

"Have you heard of the underground fights here in New York?"


Madison's POV

"Are you ready?" I yelled at Hunter with irritation.

"Almost!" he yelled back.

A couple of minutes later, which to me seemed like hours, Hunter came out wearing all black clothes with the typical bad boy look.

"Finally, I swear you take almost as long as Audrey," I groaned.

"Almost?" he smirked.

"Yeah, no one can win that woman," I said with a roll of eyes and he chuckled.

"So shall we go? I've been waiting forever for you," he asked with fake innocence, knowing he would get on my nerves.

"You fucker, I really hope someone kicks your ass tonight," I hissed angrily before storming out while he just smirked.

We walked down the stairs, ready to go out, when Josh's voice stopped us.

"Hey guys, where are you going?"

"Underground fighting," we both replied at the same time.

Josh let out a deep breath. According to Hunter, he always hated it when some of the guys went out to do something dangerous. He always says that being in the mafia is already a big enough risk and that they shouldn't add more. And now that he is here, that hasn't changed. Not a single bit.

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