30. Found

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Madison's POV

"What do you mean you found him?" I asked Sadie with hope.

"One camera spotted him. Apparently, your father has been using a rental car for a while. It seemed as if he had been trying to avoid the traffic cameras so they don't record his face; however, he must have missed this one as it's been recently installed. I managed to get the license plate and hack into the company where he rented the car. To sum up, after searching, I managed to find some locations he usually visits or maybe live in and the times he usually is there," she explained.

Then she went over to the printer and took a stack of papers before handing them to me. There were lots of coordinates written in them, probably the locations Sadie was talking about.

"So what do we do?" I asked her after I read over the papers.

"That's up to you," she shrugged. "What do you want to do?"

I thought over it for a few seconds before I finally made a decision.

"Where do you think he is going to be tonight?"


We were currently driving towards the small house my father might be in. At least, that's where the car is usually parked at night.

Soft music was playing in the background, but I wasn't paying attention to it. I was too nervous for that. After tonight, the whole situation with my father could be over, and maybe we can finally have answers about Angelo.

"Can we talk?" I heard Bianca whisper to Alec.

"No," he firmly replied.

"Just five minutes," Bianca insisted and he sighed.

"Fine, but later," I heard him whisper.

"Everybody remembers the plan?" Alec asked us in a louder tone.

"Yes," we all confirmed in sync.

I was going to go inside alone. They were reluctant, but that's what I wanted and they had to respect that. I wanted to be the one who finishes this thing. The rest of them will be hidden among the house, in case I need back up.

We also called Holden and he is bringing some officers with him. For my plan B. Of course I won't be working with him as a Dark Ghost but as a witness. After all, many of them remember me from the first time we worked together to arrest him.

"You have your earbud on?" David asked me as he connected it to his laptop.


"Try not to cover it up too much with your hair or it might interfere with the connection," Sadie reminded me, earning a nod from me.

We finally arrived to the house and I was the first one to exit the car after receiving wishes of luck from my partners. I let the night breeze hit me as I took a deep breath.

I looked up to the house in front of me. It was old and small, but enough for a criminal who is on the run, I guess.

I walked up to the front door quietly and grabbed the pin from my hair to pick the lock. After some seconds and mentally thanking Audrey for teaching me this skill, I walked into the house with careful, quiet steps.

At first there was nobody in sight nor a sound could be heard. However, I could smell the scent of alcohol, so I suppose he has taken up on his drinking.

Walking further in, I started hearing the faint sound of what seemed to be a TV. And there he was. Sitting on an old couch facing the TV, with a bottle of beer in hand.

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