81. Nonexistent

678 39 14

Sadie's POV

"Never ever scare us like that again. You hear me?" Nathan whispered into my ear as he held me tightly, almost as if he needed to feel me as physically close to him as possible to be reminded of the fact that I was well and alive.

"I'm fine, Nate, we all are," I reassured him once again while running my fingers through his hair, which he seemed to enjoy quite a lot judging by the calm expression on his face.

He closed his eyes as he melted into me, the warmth of his body spreading through mine. I carefully lifted my head up and glanced at my alarm clock, reading it was already past 2 am. I went back into a comfortable position, snuggling further into Nathan as we both laid under the cozy covers of my bed. However, sleep wasn't coming to me, no matter how tired I felt.

I was exhausted. Not just because of the time, but also because of the recent argument. Angry birds couldn't wait until tomorrow to scold us, they had to do it right when we arrived home. Hearing a twenty-minute speech about how we should be more careful, how we shouldn't pull acts like that giving them the fright of their lives and how we should think before we act, wasn't my ideal plan for the night.

Us girls decided to apologize for them, because, even if we had our reasons to turn the microphones and earbuds off, we could've warned them or something. They were just worried about us, so I understood their fury. Thankfully, they accepted our apologies and, though they still looked a bit bitter, I knew we'd be ok soon. That's another thing I noticed we've improved at; forgiveness and apologies. If this had happened months ago, neither we would've apologized nor all of this would've been solved so fast. We would've probably spent days mad at each other.

About the file Savannah gave us, that would take a little time. Bianca skimmed through it on the drive here and discovered it was all encrypted, probably in case it fell on the wrong hands. Another thing David and I, as agreed, have to work on. At least, we now knew Savannah could be trusted after hearing the summary of hers and Ryker's stories.

I was broken out of my thoughts when I felt a light kiss on the crook of my neck, making me shiver. Nathan continued giving me butterfly kisses all over my skin as my hand unconsciously grabbed a hold of his hair, earning a small groan from him.

"I thought you had already fallen asleep," I whispered.

"Not sleepy. You?" he murmured.


I felt him smirk on my skin.

"Well, we can always entertain ourselves and do something to tire ourselves out," he huskily whispered while positioning himself on top of me and kissing my jaw.

"Yeah?" I smirked and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. "What do you have in mind?"

"Let me give you some hints." He crashed his lips against mine, kissing me softly with all the love and care in the world. "It involves you, me and this bed," he mumbled into my mouth, intensifying the kiss. "And definitely no clothes," he added as he pushed one of his hands under my shirt. "What do you say?"

"Yes," I breathed out, enjoying his touch too much.

"Good," he smirked. "Good to know you crave me as much as I do, little genius."

And with those last words, we spent one of our most pleasurable and intimate nights of our lives.


The next day

"So, did you two sleep well?" Josh smiled cheekily as soon as he saw Nathan and I were walking inside the kitchen.

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