65. Sadie

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Sadie's POV

With shaky hands, I carefully placed the photo on the cushion next to me. My breath was starting to pick up nervously, my heart was beating furiously inside my rib cage while a wave of anxiety rushed through my veins. What if Nathan saw me differently after I tell him everything? Deep down I knew he would never do that, but once again I was letting my fears and insecurities take control, reminding me the possibility existed.

A big hand grabbed my smaller one in attempt to stop its trembling, giving it a reassuring squeeze. I lifted my gaze up from my lap and stared right into Nathan's eyes. His blue orbs were sending me a silent reassurance, letting me know that he will be there for me no matter what words are about to leave my mouth.

The warmth and security he transmitted to me was enough for a new confidence to invade my body. And that's why, now feeling 100% safe and comfortable with him, I took a deep breath and started speaking.

"I was born and raised here in New York," I started, turning to look at the skyline in front of me.

"I know most kids might say this, but my mom was the best mother in the whole world. Her name was Diane and still today she's my role model. She was one of the purest souls you could ever meet, always was so kind, loving and compassionate. She smiled when we smiled and cried when we were in pain. She was also kinda overbearing sometimes, but I still love her with my whole heart, we all did immensely. But, as much as I adored my mother, I admit I've always been a daddy's girl," I chuckled lightly.

"My father, James Williams, was my hero and protector. He loved his family deeply, as much as we loved him, and was hella overprotective over us. He was a bit strict on us occasionally, but I guess that was his nature, he was a serious, stern man. He also had a passion for informatics, a trait I seemed to inherit. In fact, he taught me everything I know about hacking, coding and computers. We both loved and cherished our little lessons and, even though he never admitted it, I knew he was exceedingly happy that one of his kids shared the same passion as him. He always made sure we felt happy and cared for, taught us many life lessons, took us on family outings... Actually, the photo is one of those outings."

I held up the picture of me and my brothers in Rockefeller Centre. A ten-year-old Xavier was in the middle, taking advantage of his taller frame to wrap his arms around mine and Kayden's shoulders. All of us were smiling widely, happy that our parents had taken us ice skating that Christmas. This is one of my favorite memories with them, that's why I keep this picture inside my phone case, to always bring it with me.

Nathan watched the image I was showing him with a small smile displayed on his face and, after a few moments, I put the picture back down and continued.

"The first to be born into my parents' happy marriage was Xavier, who you already know. Three years later, it was me and then, another two years later, it was him, Kayden Williams. He was... definitely something," I breathed out a chuckle as Nathan repeated my action, probably because of my choice of words to describe Kayden.

"Kayden was an energetic boy, always full of life, rambling nonstop about anything, but always spreading kindness. He was more like my mom in that aspect. He was quite a loving kid, he adored hugs, no matter who gave them. He was also the prankster and jokester of the family, constantly making us laugh and smile.

"I was ecstatic the day Kayden was born, both Xavier and I were. We loved the idea of having a baby sibling to take care of and play with when he was older. Ever since that day, Kayden wasn't only my baby brother, he was my best friend too. Also, my only real friend along with Xavier."

I gulped down and, with hesitance, I continued.

"Do you know why I didn't quite appreciate the nickname Josh gave me this morning?" I briefly glanced at Nathan, who was already staring intensely at me. "Because Kayden also gave me that nickname and always got mad when other people called me that way, because according to him I was his big sister and only his. I was his Say-Say and he was my Kay-Kay." I smiled longingly and paused for a few seconds, trying to keep the tears away from my eyes.

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