Chapter Five

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Hey! If you've somehow gotten this far, thank you so much for reading I really appreciate it! :)

Sorry for taking so long to upload the last chapter, but my schedule should all be back to normal now that I'm finally finished with highschool applications! I'd been procrastinating for so long and I still have to wait for over a month to hear backk

Also this amazing fanart I- >///<   ^^^^ 

Hehe anyways, I'm going to get going with the story now (this chapter's shorter than normal because it's kind of a lot.. Idek if it makes much sense) 

(y/n)'s POV


We sat in silence for a few moments while Shota allowed me to collect my thoughts.

"Just start from the beginning, no rush. Take your time, alright kid?"

He'd asked me that a few minutes ago and I hadn't figured out were to start yet. 

The beginning, huh? So much had happened to me in these short fifteen years, all my memories were hazy and jumbled, I wasn't sure how reliable any of them were.


His eyes widened as I began uncertainly, alit with cool patience. 

"I suppose- well the beginning-" I took a deep breath and looked down at my hands for a moment. He sat patiently, eyes never leaving my face.

"I remember my parents." I spoke quietly. Shotas brows rose. "I do. I try not to, but I guess we don't really have as much control over our own minds as we'd like to think."

"Mm, wise for a child." Shota smiled lightly.

"They were kind, I think. All I can remember from the beginning was smiling, I don't think I ever saw either of them cry. I don't think I ever cried. We did normal family things, or at least the kinds of things that I've been told are normal for parents and their kids. They would take me to parks on their days off or pick me up from daycare early with ice cream. They had to pry me off them if they ever wanted any time to themselves, but they never seemed to. They loved to bake too, would always pick me up and set me on the counter and told me to try and sound out words on the recipe while they laughed or danced along to the radio." A ghost of a smile graced my face as I recovered the old memories, dusted them off, and spoke them aloud. Then my smile faltered as I recalled what came next.


"It happened when I got my quirk, Unicorn. The first noticeable change was the appearance of my horn," I pointed to the poky stump on the center of my forehead, "That's where my quirk is stored, the one that lets me gage other people's power. It was really strong at first. There's not much left of it now." I brought my hand back down to my lap, "However, as I'm sure the doctors told you, because my quirk means that my body retains the properties and powers of the mythical creature the Unicorn, other things besides just my quirk began to change. First was my hair, it turned silver and began growing immeasurably fast. My parents tried to cut it when it started to get in my way, but the scissors only broke as it was too strong. Then my eyes changed, my pupils became enlarged, and my irises began reflecting any colors around me."

"Finally, the properties of my blood morphed into the dangerous substance it is now. I don't know how much you know about it, but essentially if it's exposed to oxygen it  becomes a deadly poison that is released the moment it comes into contact with anything other than my skin. I'm immune to it, but anyone who touches my blood after it's left my skin will die, anyone close enough who breaths in the infected air could also die, people further away or exposed to less of it typically pass out, and others have symptoms like headaches or trouble breathing. Everything changed after we became aware of the tedious situation, I began to scare my parents, scare a lot of people. Hurt a lot of people. They knew that I didn't do any of it on purpose, and that I couldn't control it, but they didn't have many options. So they locked me up in the house. In my room. I remember they instructed me to stuff pillows against the gap at the bottom of my door so that if I somehow managed to cut myself, it wouldn't infect the air outside of my room." 

Her and I (Kyouka Jirou x Fem Reader) COMPLETEDWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu