Chapter Seventeen

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(y/n)'s POV


"So, that's day one done and over with. How's it feel?" Kyouka asked. She'd walked me back to my dorm after dinner, which though it wasn't difficult, as my room was only two doors away from hers, I still found sweet.

"First day of ever going to school, huh.. I'd say that it was nice." I smiled, to which Kyouka raised an eyebrow.

"Even after almost drowning?" She questioned, unbelieving.

"Eheh.. yeah?"

"Okay then." She chuckled. I shifted in place in my doorway and looked into my dorm before deciding to conclude our conversation there.

"Maybe it's time we head to sleep, then."

"Uh huh, well I wouldn't be surprised if you can't sleep now that you know you have to go back to school with all of us losers in the morning, so if you want company I'm usually awake." She teased, though I could tell that she was at least somewhat serious.

"Goodnight, Kyouka."

"Goodnight, (y/n)." She bid.

I turned and walked into my room, but before I could close the door behind me Kyouka stopped it with a hand, "Before I go, though, I do want to say," She blushed and looked away, "It was really cool talking to you like that in Recovery Girl's office today. Despite the.. circumstances that put you there. And I know that I might have hinted that I want to know more about you and your quirk, past, or relationship with Eri, but I didn't mean to pressure you. I don't need to know any of that to know that you're a person that I like spending time with, so.. don't worry about it, k?"

I stood frozen for a moment. This feeling.. of having my feelings respected like that. I'd never felt it before. Not on that level at least. In the LOV I felt like a weapon in a cage, and with Chisaki it was a similar feeling. Neither brought about much respect. Or understanding.

"Thanks." I said, letting my sincerity bleed into the simple word as much as I could possibly.

"'Course." She then turned and left for her room, and I stepped back into mine. This time, when I closed the door behind me there was no hand there stopping it, and I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed by this. Almost as if I wished she was always there to stop me when I said goodbye.

I chuckled to myself. Maybe I never really did want to say goodbye to her.

Jirou's POV


From that night on, the rest of the week went by pretty fast. (y/n) got more comfortable at school little by little, as well as more comfortable with our classmates. Some more than others she seemed to grow a bit closer to, but that didn't bother me much, as she still spent nearly every moment she could by my side. Not that that was that important to me or anything..

For reasons I had yet to be enlightened of, people seemed to keep from intruding when the two of us were together, anyway. Most people, that is.


"Hi, Denki." (y/n) smiled politely next to me, a skill that seemed to escape myself whenever Kaminari entered the scene, so I commended her silently. He, however, frowned a little at her politeness, and I had to hold in a small laugh.

Kaminari had persistently begged (y/n) over the past few days to call him by his first name. He'd told me that it was because whenever he saw her call me Kyouka she blushed and got a little flustered, which of course he found adorable. Unfortunately for him, once she'd finally agreed to start calling him Denki, she was nothing but casual about it and didn't lose any of her somewhat-guarded composure.

Her and I (Kyouka Jirou x Fem Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now