Chapter Eighteen

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y'all so I have dark hair, dark eyes, I'm tall, the mom friend, and I like tea..

so if I'm basically Momo then does that mean me and Jirou are meant to be..

ooh that rhymed

..I'm losing all faith in my sense of humor

just ignore this author's note please I-

(y/n)'s POV


"Welcome, you must be our volunteers." One of the nurses greeted us once we'd entered the hospital after speaking briefly with Mic. We nodded and she looked around at each of us. "Oh, what are the chances! Hello there, little (y/n)."

"Hmm?" I studied the nurse's face and as I focused felt my quirk surface just a little in my horn as if itself trying to see if it recognized her. "Oh, hello."

She'd been one of the nurses that'd attended to me after the LOV rescue mission. I hadn't noticed at first that this was the same hospital I'd stayed in that week. After all, they all looked the same to me.

"It's good to see you're getting you in school and looking healthy." She said, then turned to address the five of us as a whole. "So," She began as Mic rejoined us. "Unless there is something specific we need a lot of help with we don't typically give our volunteers much structure. Essentially, what I'm saying is that you'll kind of have to wander around or stand idly by and wait until someone looking frantic comes up to you and hands you a task. Just make sure to stay out of everyone's way until someone asks you for help. Here are your nametags."

Before I'd really begun to process all of the information she'd taken little air and even less time to spew out she began passing out little sticky slips of paper and pens.

"These are the nametags?" I asked Kyouka quietly. She nodded silently and turned around to stick hers on my shoulder for a surface as she scrawled her name on it. She then peeled it off and pasted it onto her lapel. I cocked my head at her and then, assuming this was the regular course of action, spun towards her and did the same.

She laughed a little as the pen tickled her arm through the nametag, making me smile to myself.

Shortly after explaining the rest of the rules to us, both the nurse and Mic left us to sort of fend for ourselves.

Uraraka blinked and looked around once they'd left.

"So I guess we just stick together and-" She was cut off by a hospital staff member marching up towards us,

"You two." He pointed.

"Us?" Kirishima asked, motioning to himself and Uraraka.

"Yep, you look like volunteers. Come with me." He turned around and Kirishima wasted no time in hurrying after him.

"I guess we can't just-"

"Hurry it up, pink cheeks. And actually, you too. The one with the ears. The more the merrier." He interrupted Uraraka again and gestured to Kyouka who still stood next to me.

"Uh." She half heartedly attempted to object.


"Sorry, (y/n)." She whispered to me somewhat apologetically before walking off.

Her and I (Kyouka Jirou x Fem Reader) COMPLETEDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora