Chapter Twenty One

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me: disappears off of the face of the earth for a month

you guys: here's 11k!

so uh.. sorry y'all! I've been dealing with a lot of mental health issues that have rendered me nothing short of a useless human being-shaped blob, and also was stuck without my computer for a while on a long road trip

but I am back now! and hopefully back on schedule, fingers crossed

(y/n)'s POV


"(n/n), (n/n)! Guess what!" Eri yelled happily as I heard the front door open.

I exhaled heavily in relief, it'd been twenty five or so minutes since she should have been home and I'd begun to worry a few minutes ago.

"What is it?" I asked as I stood from the couch to meet her at the door, embracing her in a heartfelt greeting hug as I arrived.

"Well me and Mirio went to a cat café after school and it was amazing! And there was this really really cute cat with black fur and it curled up in my lap! So I told Mirio that I really really wanted a kitten just like that one, but then he walked away and said he had to call Zaza. And then he came back!" Eri paused her fast-paced monologue to take in one large breath before continuing. "And he said that he told Zaza what I said and that Zaza said he'd always liked cats! And that we could get one! We get to have a cat, (n/n), a cat!!" She jumped up and wrapped her arms around my neck tightly, nuzzling her face into my neck where she grinned ecstatically.

My eyes widened as I hugged her back. A cat? I'd never had a pet before, even when I lived with my parents it was always just the three of us.

I might like a cat.

Eri'll like a cat.

So, this is good. I tucked my chin down so Eri could see my face and smiled widely.

"That's wonderful, Eri!" I exclaimed, making sure she knew I was just as excited as she was so as not to put any sort of damper on her joyous mood.

"Mhm! And he said we can go pick up the kitty TOMORROW so that you get to play with it before you go back to school!"

"Tomorrow, really? Wow, that's great!" I hugged Eri a little tighter to my chest briefly before letting her back down to the ground and extracting myself from her embrace.

"Mhm!" Eri grinned. She then looked behind me to the coffee table where I'd strewn some school work that I had brought home from school and been working on. Her eyes lit up and she returned her gaze to me. "SCHOOL!" She squealed.

"Huh?!" I flinched, surprised at the sudden exclamation.

"How was it?! I know you were really excited! So how did it go? Did you make a lot of friends? Did you talk to Deku a lot? Or that cool girl who came over here, did you talk to her? What was her name.. Ji- Juri- Jurou-"

"Jirou, but I've started calling her Kyouka more recently. And yeah, we've talked." I corrected quietly, looking away as I felt a gentle blush creep onto my face at the mention of her.

"Cool! And Deku?" Eri quickly moved on from the subject of the purple haired girl, clearly not as caught up on her as I.

"We talked a bit. I can see why you're so attached to him, he is quite caring and intelligent."

Her and I (Kyouka Jirou x Fem Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now