Chapter One (Part 2)

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A/N: For the sake of the story the LOV is still together, but has gone into hiding, and the pro heroes had just received information on where they were and were planning an attack anyway.

(y/n)'s POV


I awoke to the familiar musty stench of settled dirt and grime. The dust made it difficult to breathe and as a result I was forced to turn on my side, clutching my stomach, and endure one of my worse coughing fits. 

After the coughing had subsided I sat up in bed, shaking slightly, and pulling the sheets up to my chin. I clasped my cold hands together, rubbing them with my thumb in attempts to bring back some form of warmth. However, the icy feeling seemed intent on keeping hold of it's grasp on my flesh, so instead I brought my hands to my face. 

By feeling around I could tell that the swelling around my eyes had subsided a little since last night, but when I ran my thumb over my cheek I could still feel the dried trails of tears. And of something else. Bringing my hands back down to my lap I stared at the flakes of dried blood that had come off my face and stuck to my fingertips. The realization came that it wasn't my own, but I'd already cried plenty about that the previous night and now as I looked up at the ceiling with dry eyes I felt something more akin to apathy.

Scrapes and scars covered the concrete ceiling I gazed thoughtfully at. I wondered what it would be like to be covered in scrapes and scars. Looking back down at my hands I imagined them covered in my own blood, black and blue with gaping wounds and stinging cuts. But when I blinked and rubbed away the thin layer of dust with a pointer finger all I saw was smooth, untouched skin. 

Toga used to beg to cut me all the time, and Dabi had threatened me more than once when I'd gotten on his nerves, but they all knew the consequences of action and what would happen if they drew even a single drop of my blood. They'd been warned. Chisaki had warned them. 

Chisaki. That was a name that hadn't entered my thoughts in a long time. A name I'd forgotten, and would rather not remember any time soon. So instead of revisiting my past I went back to imagining my hands as cracked and mutilated as the walls of my little cell.

I blinked once again, slowly, but I didn't see the same smooth, unscathed skin as before. A long cut ran across the heel of my palm. Searching for the cause of the unexpected injury, my eyes landed on a thin piece of what looked like a sharp shard of rock. My brows knit together as the shard clinked to the ground, soundless, and time seemed to slow.

Then, with a single tilt of my head, the slowed, soundless time shattered and I was hit in the back with a screaming blow of hot air and sharp projectiles.

I laid on the ground clutching my ears for what felt like hours before the ringing finally began to subside. I began to hear voices from somewhere in the building. They were yelling and obviously distressed, some of them familiar and some not so much. I only caught a few words as my hearing had still not fully recovered from the blast, but I could hear my name repeated a few times. I decided to ignore the sounds and focus on my current predicament instead. I stretched out my fingers one by one, testing them. Then I slowly uncurled from where I'd hunched into myself and turned to look at where I'd been thrown from.

The wall behind me had collapsed -or more accurately- been completely blown away. I didn't have much time to wonder what had caused the explosion, or where it had come from, however, before I began to notice that the air had grown thick and a familiar sickly sweet stench had filled the room. I recognized the poisonous smell immediately and frantically began searching for the source. 

Her and I (Kyouka Jirou x Fem Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now