Chapter Fourteen

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(y/n)'s POV


"Alright, so, this is how it's going to work-" Allmight's voice echoed across the small lake through the megaphone he'd borrowed from another teacher before class. I had to cover my ears, as the speaker was right next to me and blasting at full volume.

We were on a boat. I've never been on a boat before. It was odd, the way it rocked and swayed with the wind and the closeness to an occasional fish that might dance out of the water for a moment. There were three boats actually. They were spaced out, with seven students on each, and Allmight on ours in the middle boat.

"-Each boat will have seven training battles, of which all battles will have three participants who fill the different roles of hero, villain, and victim. Everyone will participate in three separate training battles. Once as a hero, once as a villain, and once as a victim. Each individual battle is fought between the hero and the villain, and the victim must remain neutral in that they cannot fight for themselves. The villain will start in the water with the victim and the hero will start on the boat." Allmight paused to make sure everyone understood so far, and then continued,

"I will set a timer for seven minutes at the beginning of each battle. When that seven minutes is up I will call for the battles of all three boats to end and winners will be declared."

Allmight then proceeded to explain how the battles would work. It seemed the only way for the villain to win was if when the timer was up them and their victim (who must be in their grasp) were in the water. Whereas, the goal of the hero was to have the victim on the boat when the timer ends. If the victim was in the water, but not in the grasp of the villain, or on the boat, but in contact with the villain by the time the seven minutes was up then a draw would be called.

"And I highly recommend trying to avoid that outcome, as Mr. Aizawa tends to assign cleaning duty to those who end battles with draws. So, any questions?" The teacher concluded.

"If the hero gets the victim on the boat, but the villain manages to get them back into the water by the time the timer is up, then does the villain still win?" Iida called out, using his boat's megaphone to communicate across the distance.

"Yes, the villain would still be declared the winner. Any other questions?" Allmight was met with relative silence, so he continued, "Good, then I'll announce the participants of the first battles and we can start."

Boat one consisted of Todoroki, Uraraka, Sero, Sato, Aoyama, Mina, and Koda, and their first battle was announced to be between Sero and Uraraka, with Aoyama acting as the victim. Boat three was Tsuyu, Iida, Ojiro, Kaminari, Hagakure, Mineta, and Yoayorozu. Their first fight was between Iida and Yoayorozu, with Kaminari assigned the role of victim.

Finally, our boat (Bakugo, Jirou, Kirishima, Midoriya, Shoji, Tokoyami and I) would start off with Tokoyami as our hero, Shoji as our villain, and me acting as victim.

I wasn't exactly siked to hear that my first training exercise as a hero-to-be would be as a neutral captive, but at least I'd get to participate more later.

Allmight set the timer and announced that he'd wait for everyone to get in their places and situated before starting it. He also briefly warned my group against causing me any kind of injury that could bleed. He told them when he thought I wasn't listening, but I'm not quite sure why, I was grateful for the warning as I didn't want to endanger anyone.

Tokoyami left the benches and walked to stand on the edge of the boat, where he'd be ready to jump in and begin as soon as the timer started, and Shoji jumped into the water, gesturing for me to follow.

Her and I (Kyouka Jirou x Fem Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now