Chapter Twelve

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Just in case anyone was wondering, since I started this before season five came out it most likely won't include any new information revealed in season 5/the new episodes coming out

enjoy :)

(y/n)'s POV


I awoke to a dark room. Very dark. I couldn't even see my hand in front of my face. Very quickly I rolled onto my back and began regressing into my old thinking. Where am I? How do I get out? Is there a way out? But then a small light lit up the space.

A little purple phone with a guitar keychain, lighting up with a good morning text from Kaminari. Jirou's phone. I recognized it from when we were at Aizawa's apartment.

With the momentary illumination of the phone screen I glanced over to my right, and immediately my worries calmed and, like a warm blanket, a sense of safety fell over me.

Jirou lay on her side beneath her red comforter, sleeping peacefully. Her hair fanned out on the pillow and her hands were clenched onto- well they were holding onto my shirt. Upon realizing the former I felt myself grow very embarrassed, or at least the only reason my face had gotten this red in the past was from embarrassment. Still, despite transforming into a living tomato I couldn't help but smile. For some reason it made me happy that she felt safe enough to fall asleep next to me. Maybe because I knew a thing or two about how difficult it is to find someone you feel safe with.

A familiar little prickling sensation began at the base of my horn, which I recognized as my quirk's attempt to gage the power of whoever was so close. It'd been dormant lately, but had gotten so overwhelmed last night while I was meeting everyone that I'd had to suffer through a splitting headache the whole time. My head didn't hurt now though. Even if it did, I doubt I would notice with this little fluttering feeling in my stomach taking over most of my senses.

I shifted back onto my side so that our foreheads were almost touching, and decided to try and fall back asleep if I could. Because wherever Jirou had gone in her sleep seemed so peaceful all I wanted was to join her there.

She smelled sweet, and her features were just so- Now this is definitely embarrassment, I thought as I buried my face as far as I could into the pillow beneath my head.

"Wake up lovely it's time for a new da-" I was broken from my peace at the sudden invasion of light as the door opened. Standing there halfway in the room was the pink girl I'd come to know as Mina, who had halted mid sentence and stride as soon as she saw me.

"Jirou! I went to go check on (y/n) since she's new to our whole wakeup schedule, but she wasn't in her room or downstai- Oh hi (y/n)." Uraraka said, surprised, as she joined Mina at the doorway.

"Hey guys." I responded quietly, propping myself up on my elbows. I made sure not to sit up all the way so that Jirou could continue holding onto my shirt, as it almost seemed to comfort her.

"U-uh well, we'll let you wake her up, because, y'know-

"She's not much of a morning person and she'll be much less likely to yell at you!" Mina interrupted a nervous Uraraka cheerfully before dragging her away, not bothering to shut the door behind them. Mina quickly reappeared to give me a thumbs up and a wink before leaving again. 

"What was that about?" I whispered to myself.

Before I could think anything of the interaction I felt the girl next to me move. She appeared to still be asleep when I checked, though, so I figured I'd have to wake her. I could honestly stay there all day and feel completely content, but the truth was I was really excited for school, and I didn't want to be late on the first day. I wouldn't want Jirou to be late either, though I got the feeling she wouldn't care very much.

Her and I (Kyouka Jirou x Fem Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now