Chapter Twenty

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hey y'all and just let me say.. HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!!!!!!! I love you all and hope that you are having a fantastic day!!

also in honor of pride month in case any of you were wondering I am (unsurprisingly) a lesbian :)

and someone pointed out that I completely forgot Jirou is calling (y/n) (n/n) now, so sorry about that 😅 Imma fix it in this chapter. thank you for the reminder :)

(y/n)'s POV


"Have a good weekend and stay out of trouble I guess." Shota dismissed the class before lowering his voice and directing it's audience away from the majority, "Before you leave, (y/n), Kirishima, could you come up here for a moment?"

I gathered my things from my desk and waved goodbye to Tsu and Mina as they passed by before making my way to the front.

"Bye (y/n)!"

"See you next week. Ribbit."

"Yes?" Kirishima asked Shota politely as he too arrived at the front of the classroom, looking a little nervous to have been singled out by a teacher. Something I assumed didn't happen very often for him as he struck me as a very good student. Not exactly much of a trouble maker unlike a few of his friends.

"I had a meeting pop up this afternoon when I was supposed to be at home getting some sleep," Shota sighed heavily. "Which means I can't walk you back to the apartment, (y/n), and a traumatized young girl walking through the city alone mid afternoon doesn't seem like an ideal situation. Especially when said girl is under my care. So, Kirishima, since out of my students you're one of the most responsible and live the closest to my apartment I was wondering if you'd mind walking her home." Shota paused. "Well, less wondering and more asking. Demanding, I guess. Anyway, see you at home (y/n). There's no one there right now since Eri's at daycare so here are the keys," He shrugged his yellow sleeping back up over his head. "Bye."

I just barely managed to catch the keys and by the time Kirishima'd opened his mouth to respond, Shota'd already shuffled out of the room. Quite quickly for a mode of transportation such as a sleeping bag.

I watched after him for a moment. Then turned to Kirishima to apologize.

"Sorry you got stuck with me."

I would tell him that I'd be fine walking home by myself and he could head out, but truth be told I was a little nervous to be alone these days. Especially out in the city where villain attacks were so frequent. I knew that I shouldn't fear villains, being in a school meant for training future heroes and all, but I couldn't help fear being put back in the situation I'd only just been saved from. Or one even remotely similar. So I kept my mouth shut and decided to just deal with the minute guilt of making him put up with me.

"Oh it's not a problem at all! It wouldn't be very manly of me to let you walk home alone, would it?" He offered a sharp toothed grin and gave an encouraging thumbs up. Then his expression faltered and he continued, slightly less enthusiastic. "Uh, I am curious though. Why are you living with our teacher?"


"No pressure answering of course! I just.. wasn't expecting that. You're not his daughter are you?"

I scratched the back of my neck and adjusted my bag on my shoulder awkwardly. "Uh no, I think Shota's like 31, so he'd have to have been around our age when he.. uhm.. had me."

Her and I (Kyouka Jirou x Fem Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now