Chapter Three

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(y/n)'s POV


The cool April breeze wafted in through the window I'd left open last night. I shivered, but the new, tickling feeling of the soft wind reminded me that since I'd been 'freed' last week I hadn't really gotten the chance to appreciate the outdoors that I had been missing for two years.

After thinking for a moment I uncurled from the fetal position in which I'd come accustomed to sleeping in and swung my legs over the side of the comfortable mattress and piles of fluffy blankets. I tiptoed across the room and had to restrain myself from tucking a sleeping Eri's messy hair behind her ear, thinking it best not to disturb her. Placing my hands on the window sill, I took in a deep breath of the sweet perfume of flowers carried in the wind and braced myself for the cold morning air. I climbed through the window as silently as possible and sat myself down on the small balcony.

A quick shiver passed through my body as the wind picked up around me, rustling my long (h/c) locks. I quickly twisted a few strands away from face so that I could see clearly. Then I looked up.

And I gasped. The broad and seemingly endless expanse of blue and gray peppered with the occasional fluffy white cloud almost caused me to lose my balance on the balcony, which was void of any railings to keep me from the short fall. Eyes widened and mouth agape I recognized that in many years the only times I'd seen the sky was when everything was cloaked in the darkened ink of night timed to hide me and my 'captors' from any onlookers and to mask the death ,manipulation and villainy that followed behind us wherever we were to trek. In this, the sky was one thing, but the sun. It shone down with a blinding brilliance that I had forgotten to miss, and it lured me into a trance that was only broken when I felt a chin come to rest on my head and small arms wrap around my neck.

I jumped at the sudden contact, "Good morning!" I squeaked in surprise.

"Good morning!" Eri responded cheerily, giggling and nestling her face into my hair, "you shouldn't stare into the sun, the heroes say it's bad for your eyes." She giggled again, motioning her hands along with her words to cover my line of vision.

"Alright, alright, but we should get inside. I don't want you to fall." I smiled to the girl as she began to lean away from the edge of the balcony.

"I don't want to fall." She frowned, shaking her head. I chuckled and followed her back inside after taking one last look at the new morning.

The two of us walked into the living room to see Eraser-head face-planted on the couch once again. I guessed this is where I would find him most of the time. I assumed he was sleeping, but Eri led me up to him and released my hand as she poked his cheek questioningly. I sighed in relief, rubbing my fingers, as her hand in mine had made me nervous. I didn't like human contact. I was always afraid that I'd end up hurting someone, which was a definite possibility. If I had had so much as a papercut when Eri grabbed my hand she likely wouldn't be standing there bothering Eraser-head right now.

"Breakfast. Leftovers. Sorry, tired." The man mumbled, breaking me from my morbid thoughts, not moving from his position on the cushions. Suddenly he sat up, as if remembering something, and groggily whispered something about forgetting a second child under his breath. "Is (y/n) awake?"

I bent down and waved to him with my free hand, as Eri had already re-claimed the other. I pushed down the nervousness that arose at the contact and smiled, "Good morning Mr. Eraser-head."

Her and I (Kyouka Jirou x Fem Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now