Chapter Twenty Three

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Jirou's POV


"Oh," I staggered back on my seat, taken by surprise. "I didn't expect to see you here, (n/n)."

I hoped that she didn't notice my blush. I couldn't help it around her, nor had I been able to for a long time. I twirled  one of my ear jacks around my finger.

"Well I hope it wasn't too bad of a surprise." She said, voice wavering. I tilted my head and examined her more closely.

She was fidgeting with her hands, her eyes were trained to the ground, and her feet shuffled side to side. Is she-

"Nervous about something?" I asked, brows knitted with concern.

"No!" She exclaimed, then her voice quieted. "Well, yes. But nothing you should be worried about. I just have to do something."

"Oh, am I holding you up? You can go do whatever you have to, I'll see you at school Monday anyway."

Her face turned towards me quickly.

"No, it can't wait that long."

"What can't wait that long?" I was beginning to get worried. Of course (n/n) must be an anxious person with everything that's happened to her, but this awkward murmuring sounded more akin to Midoriya's speech. I hoped nothing had happened to her.

Oh god, what if something has happened to her.

I began to panic, almost forgetting that she was there. I looked down to the guitar still in my hands and let my mind run rampant with all of the horrible things that could have happened to her to make her act unlike herself.

I plucked at the strings nervously and then just set the guitar down on the floor and placed my hands on my thighs, staring at them, brows knitted.

Then suddenly another pair of hands appeared over my own. A little (Smaller/Larger), (paler/darker), and softer. Fingers not calloused from the life of a musician and nails short and clean, unlike mine which had grown out longer than I liked, and on which was painted black nail polish that should have been redone or scrubbed off long ago.

Then the hands moved to my face, still downward cast. They cupped my cheeks gently and hesitantly. Warm.

Next, something touched my nose. Someone else's, if I were to guess.

And finally, lips, red and just a little chapped. Divots here and there from anxious chewing, not unlike my own. And the breath from which I could feel only slightly intermixing with my own.


"Can I kiss you?" She asked quietly.

No more breath. Breath gone. Breath has left the chat. Buh bye.

I could only nod.

I turned my head up to meet hers, the lights of the shop illuminating little dust particles flying through space and landing daintily in her hair. Music still played softly in the background. My favorite song, from my favorite band. Fitting, seeing as here I was with my favorite person.

I felt our lips touch, and then meet. In perfect sweetness and harmony.

(y/n)'s POV


Regrettably, we pulled apart after a few moments. If it'd been up to me we would've never pulled apart, stayed like that for an eternity, but the worrying factor that was my inability to tell if either of us had taken a breath the whole time got in the way of that fantasy.

Her and I (Kyouka Jirou x Fem Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now