Chapter Eight (Part 2)

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This is another chapter on the shorter side just because it's split into three different parts.

Also just a warning that (y/n) is kind of dense in this update lol, ik that's annoying sometimes so dw she's not going to be like that all the time, but because she never got to be a normal kid she just doesn't understand some things yet. 

Anywayy hope you enjoy <3

(y/n)'s POV


Midoriya and I kneeled outside of the hotel he'd led us to and he waited quietly while I tried to focus on my quirk. I kept tapping my forehead with frown, trying to call to it, even though I knew that's not how it worked. 

I sighed. I could always feel a little tingling in my forehead around my broken horn when other people were close by, but it usually took a lot of focus to tap into that small feeling and pull out what's left of my quirk from wherever it hides.

After a few moments I managed focus in on it and grasp it. After getting a decent hold of it a small shiver ran from my horn down my spine and I was able to sense two main sources of decent power inside the hotel. The strange thing was that one of the sources was surrounded by a lot of other less powerful forms similar to the first.

"Some sort of multiplying quirk?" I whispered to myself. Midoriya's brows rose in surprise, which I took as confirmation even though I hadn't expected him to hear me. So some form of cloning probably. And it's likely the villain's quirk because the student- erm- captive wouldn't be using their's.

"Um, you wait out here." I told Midoriya, figuring he was still a victim so my priority might still be to protect him.

"Oh okay, do you have a plan?" He asked.

"Eh. Sort of." I responded as I stood, preparing to enter the store.

I'd had experience with cloning quirks in the past. After all, I'd had to watch Twice use his against innocent people on several occasions. I wasn't exactly happy at encountering a similar quirk now, but I knew that the circumstance was completely different now, so I held onto that comfort.

Essentially my plan was to first figure out the makeup of the clones- if they could actually hurt me or were more of the illusion type- by interacting with one of them. Then, after that I had two plans of action. If they were more the deceiving type, and couldn't actually do me any harm, then I knew that it would be taking the human source's energy to produce them so I could probably just run through the clones quickly to get to the victim, while avoiding the villain, who would likely not be able to do much since he was using his energy on the clones. If they were actually solid beings with attack power, then it'd be hard to avoid all of them, so I'd just have to form a path to the student by destroying the minimum of clones I had to to get by. I knew that clones were typically pretty weak so it probably wouldn't take much more than a strong blow to the head or ribs to get one of them out of action.

I guess I have to rely on my strategy and wits again to make up for such a weak quirk, I thought, and even my mental skill isn't as good as others after being stuck in captivity for nearly my whole childhood. With a quirk as useless as mine I didn't know how I could ever expect to get into UA, or how they'd even want me at all. Part of me has been wondering if Shota recommended me so that if I got in I'd be UA's problem and he wouldn't have his hands full with all of my issues anymore. I wouldn't blame him for that, in fact it's partly why I was so excited to go to school in the first place, I didn't want to burden him any longer.

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