Chapter Two

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I use (n/n) in this chapter, which represents Eri's nickname for (y/n). So you can use any nickname you want, or you could just think of it as your name. 

Aizawa's POV


It'd been a week since the rescue mission and (y/n) had just been released from the hospital, sporting very few injuries, as the villains had been quite careful not to harm her (for their own sakes of course). This meant that there were only seven days left before the UA school year -and my job- started. That wasn't much time to adjust.

Now she stood in front of my apartment building, wearing the surprisingly modest sweatshirt and shorts Midnight had bought for her as an alternative to the hospital clothing. Her hair and broken stump of a horn glinted in the sunlight and the (h/c) gazed at the entrance to my ratty apartment with wide eyes. I placed my hand on the back of my neck and sighed, exhausted, "Sorry, I know it's not much, but it's close to UA and affordable so-" I stopped talking and tilted my head to examine her expression. She didn't seem to be listening to what I was saying, just staring up at the small building in awe, a little glint of wariness visible beneath the gleam of her (e/c) eyes. I sighed again, of course she was wary. This girl had never known anything close to trust and here he was giving her a house asking her to call it 'home'. But I was surprised that anything about the old dump would put that glint of awe in her eyes.

I focused my attention on the plastic grocery bags at my feet containing the few belongings I'd picked up for her at the grocery store on our way to move her in. They didn't contain much, just a toothbrush, a comb, and an extra blanket. I picked up the bags with a yawn and began fishing in my pockets for my house keys with my spare hand.

"So um," (y/n) started, drawing my attention back to her, "I get to live here?" she asked, looking to me for confirmation. I nodded,

"It's pretty small so you'll have to share a room with Eri, but yeah you get to live here. I guess you could consider it your new h-" I stopped myself before saying it and she sighed, looking down and holding her arm.

"Home? And how long is that going to last?"

The question took me by surprise. It wasn't mean-spirited at all, nor was there any spite behind the words. Her voice was innocent and she seemed to be genuinely asking. Truthfully, I didn't know the answer, so I responded the best way I could think of, "Don't worry about that just yet. For now we should focus on getting you settled in." 

She nodded, plastering a polite smile on her face and following behind me. 

Once we were inside I gave her a moment to adjust to her new surroundings and then cleared my throat and pointed lazily to a door positioned to the left of of the small kitchen and living room. "That's Eri's and your room. I already have a bed set up for you in there, so you can set your stuff down and get settled in." She nodded curtly and gingerly took the bags from my hands, heading down the hall.

Once she'd disappeared behind the door I collapsed on the couch and let out a breath I hadn't realized that I'd been holding. A year ago I never could've imagined that I'd still be living here, in this crappy apartment, teaching a class of idiots I've somehow come to respect, and living with- not one- but two young girls with deadly quirks who were raised and abused by villains.

Her and I (Kyouka Jirou x Fem Reader) COMPLETEDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora