Chapter Thirteen

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For those of you who didn't already know, or have been asking, I update by the end of every Sunday (sooner if I have the chance)

But once school is out I'll hopefully have a good amount of free time and will be updating more often :)

Okie, on to the chapter

Jirou's POV


"Alright, there's only really one thing on the schedule for today's homeroom. I need you to pick groups." Mr. Aizawa spoke as he tossed out a hat. Sero just barely caught the hat and squinted his eyes at it,

"Is this Mr. Snipes-"

"Shut up, he let me borrow it." Mr. Aizawa interrupted, to which Sero raised his eyebrows, unconvinced. Mina's hand shot up excitedly from the other side of the classroom, nearly smacking (y/n) in the face,

"Groups for what?" She asked. Mr. Aizawa sighed,

"I'm getting there, jeez. Sero, pass the hat around and let everyone pick a slip of paper out while I explain." Sero nodded and took out a slip of paper to stuff in his pocket before getting up and starting down the row, "So, as second years, you already know enough about your powers and are well on your way to improving your strength as heroes. However, because of everything that happened last year, you all ended up spending more time saving yourselves than others. And because of this, I do not believe you are where you should be on the path to becoming selfless heroes. Honestly, most of you are pretty self absorbed and egotistical."

I buried my head in my arms to keep from laughing out loud at Mr. Aizawa's last statement, because my god it was too true. My efforts didn't last however, because I couldn't help but raise my head to glance at Bakugo, only to notice that everyone else was looking at him. His glower was just too priceless that I couldn't help but laugh. I opened my mouth to poke a little fun at him but Mr. Aizawa cut me off.

"For the record, no I am not only referring to Bakugo here. A lot of you have this problem. And Jirou, you aren't exempt, so I'd suggest you stop laughing. Now, as I was saying, to help get you all where I want you to be, I've decided that this year class 2A will be doing community service."

"Huh?" Mr. Aizawa cut off the groans of the class,

"And Principal Nezu thought this was such a good idea that he proposed we do it every Friday," This only elicited more groans from the class, "Some of the things we've already planned include helping in a soup kitchen, with construction, volunteering with a hospital, at a daycare, and a senior center, and cleaning up a park. Oh, and I should mention, every other Friday you will be doing this without any use of your quirks, understand?"

"Alright!" Uraraka pumped her fist in the air.

"Yeah, this is so manly!" Kirishima joined in.

"Well I'm glad some of you are so enthusiastic about it. Now, you'll be split into four groups of four, and one group of five, to work with on your community service activities. The pieces of paper you're drawing from the hat determine which group you're in, so, is everyone done drawing?"

The class gave a collective nod of affirmation as soon as Bakugo drew the last slip and Sero returned to his seat.

"Good, group A raise your hands." Momo, Kouda, Todoroki, and Kaminari raised their hands.

"Group B raise your hands." Iida, Tsu, Hagakure, and Mineta's hands shot up.

"Group C." Tokoyami, Sero, Ojiro, and Shoji.

Her and I (Kyouka Jirou x Fem Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now