Chapter Seventeen - You Jump, I Jump

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"Are you sure, Mina?" Darius questioned.

"It's the only 'safe' way," She answered, putting unnecessary emphasis on the word safe.

"Shayde?" Darius demanded.

"Only way," I echoed.

Vet mumbled something and leaned against a wall, crossing his arms over his chest.

"So, let's go them?" Vet smiled.

Darius's eyes narrowed and he grabbed my arm and dragged me swiftly away from Vet and Mina.

"You're lining everyone up for slaughter," He hissed, glancing quickly over at his brother.

"Staying here is a death sentence, Dar. It may be our only chance," I sighed.

He glared at me, eyes darkening at my choice of words.

"Ava is my family too, like Felix is yours. Don't be selfish," I muttered.

"Ava?!" He mocked, "You don't even say anything to her anymore. You don't even acknowledge her! Is that how you treat your family?!"

"She will always be my sister," I whispered, knowing he was right, "Things are just..."

"Spare me your pathetic excuses," Darius said.

"Dar, please," I whimpered, "We're in this together, aren't we?"

His murderous gaze softened.

"Yes, but," Darius began.

"No buts," I cut in, "You jump, I jump."

Darius grinned, "Titanic, hey?"

"It's a good movie," I answered swiftly.

Darius sighed, earlier anger forgotten.

"I don't know what I'd do without Felix," He murmured quietly, "But I guess we have no choice."

I nodded.

Turning away from him and walking into the middle of the room, I felt everyone's eyes on me. Good.

"Everyone?" I called, getting everyone's attention. "There is a problem. We have to leave as soon as possible."

"Why?" Felix asked.

"Just trust me, okay?" I told him, trying to evade his question.

Felix cocked his head to one side and stared at me. I felt his eyes boring into me, I had to turn away from the intensity.

"Why should we trust you?" Ava asked.

"Because I swear to keep you safe," I sighed.

Ava frowned at me.

"Zoey?" I called and her head popped up from behind Felix.

"Yes?" She whispered, walking slowly over to me.

I knelt down to look her in the eyes.

"Do you trust me?" I asked.

"Yes," Zoey answered with no hesitation.

"Will you hate me for ruining your birthday?" I murmured.

"No," She smiled and patted the top of my head.

"Wanna come with me then?" I asked.

"Okay," She replied and I stood up. Zoey reached up and grabbed my hand tightly.

"Felix?" I sighed.

He got up slowly and stretched out.

"I guess," He said still watching me with his hazel eyes.


"Do you even need to ask?" Darius challenged.

"Mina and myself are coming," Vet said proudly, not waiting for me to ask.

"So are me and Michael," Elena said quietly.

I turned my eyes to face Ava's brown ones. Carefully, I removed my hand from Zoey's and walked to stand right in front of my best friend.

"For old times sake?" I whispered, holding out my hand.

Ava pursed her lips and bowed her head.

"Alright," She replied in a shaky voice, placing her hand in mine.

Ava glanced up and I saw her eyes were tear filled.

"No matter what," I said, holding in my own tears, "You'll always be my sister. And I love you."

"I love you too," Ava murmured as a lone tear escaped and travelled down her cheek.

And with the tiny ounce of strength I had left, I tugged her along. Leading her to death's door.


Lots of dialogue. I wanted to fix the whole Ava/Shayde situation and add a few tense moments testing relationships. It was hard to write this. End of book is coming up in a few chapters time. Make the most of it.

Much love,



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