Chapter Twelve - Return To Hell

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I let out an inhuman howl when I landed next to Vet and he immediately wrapped his arm around my waist to steady me.

"Yeah, no more for you," Vet said looking nervous.

Suddenly Mina popped up beside us and gave me a look.

"Now you've done it," She muttered in annoyance.

"Mina," Vet murmured, "What floor are we on?"

"Currently second. Looks like we'll have to fight our way out. Since she's down for count."

"I could jump again.." I whimpered.

"And attract every flesh eater in the building like you already have? No," Mina growled and punched the window beside us swiftly.

"Jesus Christ, Mina. And you're worried about her attracting them?!" Vet said to her.

"Fight, Vet," Mina demanded, and punched enough glass out of the window to climb through. I heard the incoming moan and I knew this would be bad.

Mina jumped at random and so did Vet. I heard the sounds of fighting from the ledge but I was focused on my ankle.

Suddenly Mina's head popped up beside me and she motioned for my gun. I gave it to her without argument and she immediately started shooting like a pro.

I felt the tremor of a weight landing on the ledge and Hunter bolted into the room, wielding his signature axe. Another weight alerted me to Darius who crouched down next to me.

"Wait for all clear," Mina ordered, still next to us shooting.

Darius gave a nod which Mina obviously didn't see since her focus was elsewhere.

"Sorry Shay," Darius sighed reaching towards me. The ground rushed away from me and I was aware that Darius was holding me in his arms. I sighed impatiently and wrapped my arms around his neck to make sure I wouldn't fall.

"Clear!" I heard Vet shout.

"Come on then," Mina muttered. Darius climbed after her through the window, carefully getting us both through safely.

Vet and Hunter were both red faced and puffing, but looked very proud of themselves. And the floor, well, I refused to look at the remains the guys had left.

"Keep close," Mina whispered and exited a small patients room.

"Hunter? You wanna take the rear?" Vet asked.

He gave a short nod and Vet followed after Mina. Darius went next with Hunter behind us.

Just ahead I could see Mina opening doors as she went down the hallway.

"She's making sure nothing jumps out at us," Vet mumbled answering my unspoken question.

I watched Mina carefully. I didn't want to look at anything else in case my eyes wanders to rooms full of spilt blood. She looked nervous. We seemed to be nearing the end of the hallway, with a staircase nicely placed for us.

"Goddamnit!" She hissed loudly and took of at a mad dash to the door. The rest of us took a similar pace, following closely behind her. From Darius's arms I noticed a few unopened doors Mina had ignored.

Right on clue, one burst open and out came the scariest looking zombie I'd seen yet. I didn't even have time to scream when it threw itself at us. I heard Hunter yelp, and the sound him falling.

"Hunter!" I cried frantically trying to spin myself out of Darius's arms.

"Go!" Hunter grunted, distracted by the flesh eater snapping at his throat.

I watched over Darius's shoulder until Hunter was out of view when we descended down the stairs. The last thing I saw was the zombie making its final lunge for his throat.

"No," I whispered. I looked up at Darius and saw pain in his eyes. What it must have took to run from his best friend..

We continued after Mina and Vet had dropped back to replace Hunters position and continued through the ground floor of the hospital. From what I knew, the front door was on the other side from the staircase. We hadn't ran into any more of the dead since.. Hunter.

"I don't know what's outside, but just keep running," Mina called slowing her pace ever so slightly.

And then we burst through the front door.

I saw Mina stumble in surprise before keeping her rhythm steady.


"Where are they?" Vet muttered.

"Let's not question it," Mina answered swiftly. Then her and Vet changed positions swiftly and Vet led us to Elena.


"Thank you," Elena sighed, smiling at Vet, "If you'd like, I can tell you some things you want to know?"

Vet nodded and leaned in eagerly.

"I'd prefer if your.. "group" didn't hear this," Elena said, cocking her head at us.

I glared at her and tugged Felix and Ava by their hands out of the room. Darius followed meekly and Mina remained where she stood. Neither Ver not Elena protested to her presence.

I limped down the hallway miserably. My ankle, dulled by painkillers, still hurt. But at least I could walk.

Reaching the living room near the front door of the room, I sat down on a couch. Ava sat close next to me, clutching my hand. Felix curled up by my feet, leaning against my legs and Darius slouched against a wall.

We remained silent like this, quietly giving each other the support we all needed. Hunter was gone.

"Look at us," I whispered, "Just five of us now."

"Five?" Darius questioned, eyes darting over everyone in the room.

"Zoey," I replied to him.

Suddenly Ava's grip tightened.

"Zoey!" Ava cried, eyes wide with realization, "Where is she?!"


Hunter.. <3 Zoey.. <3

I feel so bad. :/

Don't hate me!

I've been busy lately, but I have a bunch of chapters written! Hang in there! Late uploads are no problem.. Right?

Much love,



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