Chapter Fourteen - Zoey

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The tiny blonde flung herself at me and I caught her easily.

"Zoey," I cooed happily, "Where have you been?"

"I got worried and came to look for you," Zoey said as she hugged me.

I set her down and placed my hands on her shoulders. Looking at her dead in the eyes I sighed.

"Never do that again," I ordered.

"I'm sorry," She whispered.

"It's okay," I said, ruffling her messy hair. I looked up up Vet and Mina who faces seemed tormented by mixed feelings.

"Thank you," I mumbled, nodding at them.

"Might want to clean her up," Mina hissed before stalking past me and disappearing through a doorway.

Vet gave me a sympathetic look and crouched down so he was eye level with Zoey.

"Tell Shayde," He murmured kindly, gesturing to me.

"Shay," Zoey whispered, "I hurt my leg."

Sadness flashed in Vet's eyes until they were replaced with a blank look.

"Let's do something about that," I said taking her hand and leading her deeper into the room.


"There you go!" I nodded happily at my work of bandaging Zoey's leg.

The gash wasn't too bad, just bleeding a lot.

As I admired my handiwork, Zoey gave me a confused look.

"What's the date today?" She asked.

I rattled of a date that I hoped was true and Zoey's eyes brightened.

"It's my birthday tomorrow! I'll be nine!" She flashed me a wide grin and I smiled weakly in return.

I stood and winked at Zoey.

"Promise you'll act surprised tomorrow?" I said.

Zoey nodded at me seriously and I went to go make plans for a party.


"Ava, Mina, you're in charge of food. Felix, Vet, decorations. Darius and I will handle presents."

Everyone nodded at my orders.

"Elena, Michael?" I questioned suspiciously.

The married couple both turned their attention to me.

"Look after Zoey and make sure she doesn't figure out what we're doing."

They nodded and the newly awakened Michael gave me a shy smile.

As casually as they could Ava and Mina slipped out of the room, giggling as they went. I ignored the pang of jealousy that ran through my body.

Soon after, Felix and Vet snuck out after them, much more quietly though. I saw Darius's stressed expression as he watched his brother walk into what could possibly be a death trap.

"Dar," I mumbled under my breath, covering his hand with mine. His troubled look vanished as he smiled brightly at me.

We waited a few more moments before we exited the room heading to complete our mission.


"Seriously Shay?" Darius muttered in annoyance, staring at a small, damaged building.

"Yes," I called happily, watching my surroundings carefully.

Still nothing..?

The building was a store called 'Golden Glamour Girls' or just Triple G for short. It was aimed at young women originally but branched out to kids later on. It then climbed the economical ladder as a child's wonderland. Toys and clothes in every shade of pink possible.

Casually Darius and I wondered towards the front door, almost appearing to be normal. I sighed at the automatic door and rolled the sleeve of my jumper down to cover my fist. I was just about to send my hand flying through the glass when Darius gave a low whistle.

"How about you not break your hand and we do this the easy way?" He muttered pulling some rubble to the side.

"That's no fun," I pouted, watching as he uncovered a small hole in the wall, just big enough for us to squeeze through.

When we were safely inside Darius paused and sighed.

"I don't know if I could kill kids.. Even if they are one of them," Darius had a faraway look in his eyes as he stared into nothingness.

"I'll do it," I growled, walking away from him. Darius shook his head and followed behind me meekly.

"What would she like?" I said quietly to myself.

"A.. Teddy bear?" Darius answered bravely.

"Possibly," I replied, "Not like we have to pay for it. Just keep it simple.. In case we have to leave at a moments notice."

Darius nodded and reached around me, plucking a pale pink bear off the top shelf. It was small, fluffy, and looked untouched by it's surrounded. I nodded in approval and placed it lightly into my empty backpack.

We maneuvered through the fallen rubble, blood stains and broken toys for a while, not finding much of interest. The only other thing along with the bear was a small princess tiara that came with a wand. It was plastic and flimsy, but still cute.

"There's not much.." I sighed.

"Well, what about clothes?" Darius questioned, trying to keep my hopes up.

I winked at him in amusement. "Funny how you were the one to remember about pink clothes.

We crossed over from one side of the shop to the other where racks of pink and white blood stained clothes filled the area. I tiptoed to some clothes that looked like they might fit Zoey and ruffled through them. I tossed a clean looking pair of jeans at Darius who placed them into my backpack. I managed two shirts and a large, bright pink jacket. The rest were either too dirty, or didn't look like they'd fit.

"Okay, two toys, four items of clothing.." I listed, "What else?"

Darius looked at me thoughtfully until something flashed through his eyes.

"What about a necklace?" He asked, excitement in his voice.

"Yeah, okay," I mumbled in surprise, "You're good at this."

He gave me a proud look and we carefully stepped our way back to the exit.


"Who's there?" A shaky voice called from the other side of the door.

"It's me, Shayde," I answered, rolling my eyes.

The door flung open to reveal a smiling Elena who was helping Vet and Felix decorate the living room. She was blowing up pink and white balloons while the boys hung dozens and dozens of streamers.

"Where's the girls?" I asked, referring to Ava and Mina.

"Sorting out the food in the kitchen," Elena answered breathlessly when she took a break from blowing balloons.

"And Zoey?"

"Asleep next to Michael."

I gave a short nod and tugged Darius over to a spare spot in the corner where I poured the contents of the backpack put out onto the floor. Along with the toys and clothes, there was a sparkling gold chain with a heart locket we had found. Also some pink wrapping paper. Quickly, we wrapped up each item separately, to make it look like there were more presents, except for the necklace. We wrapped it around the teddy's neck and wrapped them together. We placed our small pile of presents in the middle of the room and sat down to watch the decorations go up. We helped a red faced Elena blow up balloons.

Nothing could ruin this.


Revolves almost completely around Zoey with bits of Sharius thrown in. (Like the couple name?)

Don't worry, I wouldn't ruin Zoeys bday.. Right?

Much love,



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