Chapter Ten - Badass Moe-Foe

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Instinctively I shoved Hunter forward when he fell back into me. I watched him sway on his feet until he was steadied and he turned to face the threat. I wasn't too worried. Zombies didn't try and knock you out with a metal pole.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the pole swing again and Hunter grabbed the end of it and pulled. A woman attached to the end came stumbling forward. Her terrified dark brown eyes widened even further when she caught sight of us.

Ava stepped past me and approached the woman with one hand extended.

"Hey, we're not going to hurt you. It's okay.." Ava murmured kindly.

The woman shook her head, long wavy brown hair swishing from side to side, as she tried to pull the pole from Hunter.

Ava closed the distance and touched the woman's shoulder.

"It's okay," She repeated.

The woman slumped and let go of the pole. Hunter pulled it out of reach, sharp blue eyes staring down the woman.

Ava ignored us and pulled the woman over to a small couch.

The rest of us stood somewhat awkwardly in front of the front door until Darius decided to scope the place out. The woman, wrapped in Ava's arm, let out a cry and jumped up. Darius froze and she ran until she was blocking a small hallway that led left.

"Who else is here?" Felix asked from behind me.

"My husband," She whispered.

Felix tilted his head at her. "Can we see him?"

She shook her head wildly, frail arms spread out.

"Please Elena?" Ava called out.

Elena sighed and stepped aside. I pushed Darius to the side and stormed past her.

There were two doors so I paused for a second, letting Elena lead. She went to the one on the very end and pushed it open.

A man lay on the bed, pale and shaking. I raised an eyebrow at Elena who was obviously in distress.

"What's wrong with him?" Felix asked approaching the beside.

"Infection, I think," She answered simply.

Hunter flinched and jumped back. "He's bitten?!"

"Nono! A cut got infected. Like a blood infection. Not... Those things..." She said quickly.

"Shay, what supplies did we have in the car?" Felix asked.

"Not much, and nothing to fight something like this," I sighed.

I felt little hands on my leg and found Zoey peeking at Elena curiously. I bent down until I was eye level with her.

"What's up?" I asked her.

"She's hiding something," Zoey whispered, pointing.

"Okay," I whispered back, standing up. Zoey grabbed my hand and I couldn't help a small smile.

"Elena?" I asked.

Those dark brown eyes zeroed in on me, widening.

"What aren't you telling us?" I asked, talking a step forward.

She looked surprised. "What are you taking about..?"

I glanced down at Zoey who nodded at me.

"You know what I'm talking about," I hissed, taking another step forward.

Elena and I had a short stare down, until her face crumbled and she ran her fingers through her hair.

"There is another here. But he's out at the moment."

"Why was that difficult to say?"

"I-," She started before she was cut off.

Somehow through our slight distraction of me questioning Elena, another had entered the room, through the balcony.

A figure dressed in black, from head toe, mask included, stepped behind Elena quickly and had a knife at her throat.

"I told you not talk about me," A gruff male voice threatened.

Elena whined and I saw the mans arm tense when I flung myself at them.

I kicked high and caught the hand holding the knife. He immediately released Elena and she ran to the bedside and pounced on her husband, hovering over his body protectively.

The man flashed to the side and I was slightly put off by how fast he moved. A knife struck out to my side which I dodged barely. I couldn't even recover when he slashed again, cutting through the flesh on my arm. A small hiss left my mouth and I danced back, avoiding his grasp. Darius and Hunter had finally realized that I needed help and both went at this black clothed man from different sides.

Darius leapt into a tackle which the man avoided easily and Darius stumbled. Hunter swung the metal pole Elena had used to attack him and caught the mans shoulder. In the moment of distraction, Darius tried again and managed to get his arms around the man, getting him into a headlock. In seconds, the man had broken free and Darius clenched his jaw angrily.

"This is ridiculous," Hunter muttered and pulled out one of MY guns from his back pocket, which he pointed at the man who froze.

"HEY!" I exclaimed in annoyance, "I said no guns!"

"Not like I listen to you," Hunter said.

The same gruff voice which had threatened Elena rang out. "I've never been one uped before." He sounded impressed.

"Get used to it," Hunter said.

"What a lively bunch," The man mused.

Darius ripped the mask off him and I drew back in surprise.

His eyes were almost black, with short hair to match. He seemed to be in his thirties. But that wasn't what startled me. Across his face, from his left temple to his right cheek, were two ugly scars. One cut through his left eye leaving it differently shaped to his right.

"Who are you?" Darius asked.

"Vet," He huffed.

"Vet?" I repeated and he nodded.

Vet directed his attention to Hunter.

"You can stop pointing that gun at me now. I'm not going to attack," Vet drawled.

Hunter narrowed his eyes but didn't lower the gun.

"Well then," Vet said under his breath. Then he glanced at me. "Get over here before you bleed to death." He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a folded amount of bandages. When I didn't move Vet tossed them at me which I missed clumsily and bent down to pick them up.

I rolled up my sleeve slightly and stretched the bandage. I was just about to wrap it around when Darius move away from Vet and snatched the bandages from me and expertly covered the wound. I sighed at the already drying blood that has been leaking from the cut.

"Did you get them?" Elena asked Vet, finding her voice.

"No," He sighed.

Elena flinched and fell back on the bed, curling into a ball beside her husband. "We made a deal. Fix my husband and he'll tell you everything you want to know."

"Yes, I will keep trying." Vet turned to us. "So, you guys wanna go on a little adventure?"


Wrote this in a day just so I could upload for you guys! Hehe good old Vet. I'm going to have fun with his character! But what does he want from Elena's husband? And whats this little adventure involve?

Much love,



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